Comincia dall'inizio

"Fucking slut." Marzanna chuckles to herself, harshly throwing the papers back on the counter. She places two palms on the edge of the sink, looking at herself in the mirror and shaking her head with a smirk.

She's quick to compose herself when the door opens yet again. Her head turns immediately but a look of relief covers her face when she sighs and places a hand to her chest.

"Marzanna! What are you doing here?" Blair Elizalde's voice echoes throughout the bathroom and to my stall, followed by a chuckle.

The two pull each other into a tight hug, squealing and smiling and I'm assuming they're old friends that just reunited. After a while, they pull away and start talking about their lives, causing me to roll my eyes.

A groan nearly slips out but thankfully, I hold it in. Marzanna explains how she had gotten here and why she's here specifically and my mouth hangs open as she rambles on and on.

Fuck, Gianna brought her here. To New York.

The two of them are friends and it just so happened that Marzanna hasn't finished her revenge on Rainer and decided to take over Gianna's plan to seduce him.

We should've known. I want to blame myself because if it wasn't for me getting in the way of Gianna's God awful plan, Marzanna wouldn't have come back.

But at the same time there's no way in hell that I'd allow a woman, or rather women, like her to take my man.

After a bit of catching up, their topic finally goes back to the stack of papers and Marzanna starts talking.

"You know Rainers secretary, right? Aurelia? The annoying ginger?" I scoff at her words, muttering a low 'bitch' under my breath.

"What about her?"

She holds up the papers with a smile, pointing to the hood letters. "Turns out, they're not actually engaged! It's all just a sex contract and dirty Mr. Morelli is the Dominant, while the whore of a secretary is the Submissive."

She laughs, almost mockingly, and I feel my heart drop to my stomach.

"That's actually disgusting." Blair scoffs, taking the paper from her. "Who the hell would sign a sex contract? What, I bet she calls him her master too and gets turned on when he spanks her." She laughs as her eyes scan over the contents of the contract.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. Fuck!

I want to scream and shout, I'm fighting the urge to kick down this door and yell at her.

One person knows, then two, and before you know it, the whole world's heads are butting into your relationship and suddenly it matters if you break up with someone.

"What a fucking whore." Blair throws her head back and hits Marzanna on the shoulder, bursting into laughter and I don't think I've ever felt more humiliated.

This moment has me thinking, what if I didn't go to the bathroom? What if I stayed and sat with Rainer, kissed him even, would I even know this conversation is happening?

I can feel the tears start to form in my eyes and my vision blurs. I try to take a step back, only to fumble and nearly trip on myself, holding onto the walls for support.

Blair turns her head in the direction of my stall and I've never covered my mouth and hid faster. I look down, realizing my heels can easily be seen, causing me to quickly hide myself in one of the corners.

Before I know it, I'm struggling to balance myself on the toilet seat with both hands holding onto either wall. My heart is pounding and I hear the sound of heels clicking increase and decrease.

"I swear to God if that ugly slut is here, I'll kill her. Her hair is just so ugly, it makes me want to just rip it off of her head."

I bite my lip, trying to contain myself from whimpering and crying right here, right now over her words. I let out a shaky breath upon hearing the footsteps recede and they continue talking about Rainer and I.

It doesn't take long for Marzanna to start fawning over him.

"It's not really a surprise, honestly. They were always weirdly close during meetings." Blair scrunches her nose, imitating a puking action. Marzanna seems way too offended coming from the girl he left nearly a decade ago.

"I've never been more jealous than a stupid, wannabe rich girl. It's been how many years since I felt Rainer's dick inside of me and I swear I'd risk my life to feel him again."

I scrunch my nose and silently chuckle to myself at the same time. For some reason, there's a feeling of satisfaction in me upon knowing the girls that resent me only do it because I have the men they want.

"So, what are you gonna do about it? I mean, you have to get rid of her somehow." Blair says, leaning on the sink.

"I know. I'm gonna return these papers to Rainer's office for now, after I take pictures of them. Then, I'll dig up some more information on her. When I ruin her, I'll expose him too so that slut can finally know who that man truly is."

The two laugh for a while before Marzanna picks the papers up and heads out to leave. They don't spare a single glance for the stalls which lets me slip out of mine seconds after the door shuts.

I sigh heavily, my eyes scanning the room when something catches my eye.

Marzanna's phone.

The dumb bitch left it.

I smile to myself, quickly taking it and shoving it into my pocket before taking a look at myself in the mirror. My hair is messy, but still somewhat nice and I decide to not make an effort on it for now.

It's been a while since the two had left which tells me the coast is clear for me to leave. I'm quick to run through the corridors, all the way to Rainer's office and I get various dirty looks but I couldn't care less.

I notice Sofia, making me smile for the quickest second ever before I'm nearly kicking down the door. I stand in the doorway for a few seconds, exchanging a worried look with Rainer before shutting the door behind myself.

"Where have you be—"

"Marzanna is trying to expose us." I say, holding up the cell in my hand.


𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐋𝐔𝐒𝐓 | #𝟏 ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora