Chapter 12 - I'll Miss You

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I woke up in her bed smiling at the fact that we had a good time last night. She was not beside me, but I heard the bathroom door open. I pushed myself up with my elbows and saw her walking out. Seeing her made me smile which she then looked at me with a curious face,

"What? Why are you smiling?" she said as she closed the bathroom door behind her,

"Nothing, good morning you," I stretched my arms over my head.

"Good morning to you, my darling." She climbed into the bed with the same look of lust as last night, and when she got closer, she slowly planted a kiss on the lips and forehead.

"Thank you,"

"What for, darling?" she smirked,

"Oh, you know, for last night," I said with a smile, she replied with a wink.

"I just wished you stayed here longer, then we could do it every day and night."

"Every day, huh?" I got closer to her, but as she tried to kiss me, I pulled back,

"Hmm, teasing me, are you?" she grabbed my body towards her making me lie down on the bed. She got down kissing from my neck to my collarbone, right before she got to my breasts, Narcissa knocked on the door telling us it was time for breakfast.

"Be there in a minute," Bella answered aloud.

"Ugh, always have to ruin our moment," she continued. After a while, I brought myself up and started to pick up all of my clothes, and putting my dress but she stepped in front of me, blocking my way,

"Now where do you think you're going?" she stopped me as she pulled my panties out of my hands.

"Back to my room, get cleaned up for breakfast, why?" I asked her with a smile, she brought it closer to her mouth and bit my panties,

"You'd have to get this from me before you go out," she taunted me as she raised her eyebrows and gave a smirk,

"Bella, please," I smiled and softly chuckled looking at her trying so hard to get me to stay,

"Come on," she winked again, I walked closer to her and bit the other end of my panties – pulling it away from her until she let go of it, with her mouth free and my panties now in my hand, we kissed passionately. As we broke off from the kiss, she cupped my face and let our temples touch each other,

"Don't go, please," she begged, I grabbed her hands and smiled softly,

"I have to, we'll meet at breakfast, okay?" as I said that, she let go of my face after hearing the defeat of me going back and not staying with her, I handed my panties to her,

"Oh?" she looked at me curiously,

"Something for you to remember me by, and you can bring it back to me when you visit me at Hogwarts, okay?"

"So, are you just going to walk out here with bare ass?" she asked, I raised my shoulders,

"Maybe, but you cannot touch it," I provoke her back as I walk out of her room, and as I close the door, I can hear her sigh with a slight desperation of wanting more.

After going back into my room, I cleaned up and finished up the rest of the packing – knowing that slightly after breakfast, Draco and I had to catch our train that left for Hogwarts. As I walked out, I bumped into Narcissa who was on her way to my room,

"There you are y/n,"

"Here I am, why? What's going on?" I asked her while closing the door behind me,

"I knocked on your door earlier, calling for breakfast, but there was no reply. I thought you were still asleep. And then the second time I knocked, still no reply – and forgive me, for doing this, I opened your door – only because I was worried that something might happen to you, but thankfully you're okay. Well, I saw the room was empty and,"

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 27 ⏰

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