Chapter 10 - Embarrassed

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I was enjoying the view as we were walking down the path, breathing in the beautiful scent of the flowers. My hand was held tightly by her, I wish I could never end this moment. I could feel that her eyes were piercing right at me, and so I turned my head to take a glance at her,

"What?" I chuckled, almost softly giggling looking at how she was so into staring at me,

"Nothing. I just want to admire you," she smiled.

"Uh, thank you, for wanting to walk with me. Because I figured you would not enjoy it,"

"Of course. I normally don't enjoy walking – I prefer running, but for you, I'd be willing to do it. Although, I do have a question"

"Yeah? Go ahead," I replied,

"Will you stay over for another night, darling?" she asked me as we walked, I chuckled at her question thinking it was a joke, but with her silence, I knew it was not, I turned to face her as I answered her question.

"Oh, I wish. But I have to go back to Hogwarts, maybe some other time? Or you know, you could always visit me there. I mean, I was lucky enough to be invited over here, for your sister's birthday." I hugged her arm, holding her tight. She then kisses the top of my head before she rests it on my head.

"I could make up some excuse. I could convince Cissy to let you and Draco stay for one more night." She insisted on it, and I stopped for a second to look into her eyes, smiling. then I explained to her,

"If only it were that easy. But I do have an important thing to do, school stuff – it's my final year so I have tons of work piling up."

"You're my smart girl, you can do it – even if you missed one day of class. By the time you finish school, you can live here with me. or we could find someplace else for just the two of us, we can have sex anytime we'd like. I know I'd like that," she whispered at the end of her sentence. I was shocked that she thought of this, I mean, I might give it a thought too but never seem to put a pin on it.

"What are you saying?"

"I think you know what I mean," she gave me a smirk. I thought it was weird, I mean, I'd love so much to move out of my aunt's house. I stayed silent for a moment, I let go of her hand, which she was surprised by it.

"Are you okay darling?" I nodded my head yes; she kept comforting me and asking me if I'm fine.

"Yes, yes, I'm fine. I'm just surprised that you had given thought to, those kinds of things. I, um, I'm glad to know where you are in this relationship but,"

"But you don't know how you feel about it?" she finished my sentence; I nodded my head.

"I thought you might like it; leaving your aunt's place – then live with me. You should know that I never said these kinds of matters to anyone. Ever. You're important to me, I love you, y/n." she continued, took my hands back into her hands again and then kissed them.

"And I love you back, Bella." I kissed her hands too and then stared into her beautiful eyes as I smiled.

"I will give you some time to think over the proposal that I gave to you – when the time comes; when you feel like the time is right to give me an answer, tell me. okay?" she reassured, and we both exchanged smiles.

After an hour of walking, we ended up in the living room snuggling with each other. She was playing with my hair, twirling them around her soft fingers as I lay on top of her while reading my book of poetry. To my surprise, she enjoyed listening to me read some of the poems out loud.

"I didn't know that you're a fan of poetry, or are you just pretending?" I joked.

"Actually, I never enjoyed it that much, I had an interest in it, yes. But not as much as how you are interested towards it. And, I have to say; after listening to you reading it to me, I think I'd enjoyed it even more than before." She confessed. I closed the book and moved over to cuddle with her, squeezing in more time to spend with her before the Malfoys return from their journey.

Dangerous Love (Bellatrix Lestrange X Reader) [Book 2]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ