2| Wisteria Crest

Start from the beginning

The Hashira looked straight at the mess of clothes on the floor and sighed. "Yeesh. had your parents not taught you how to fold clothes?" he shook his head as he sets the tray down, taking a seat and folding his colleague's uniform and haori himself. Obanai tilted his head, watching him silently.

Sanemi set the folded clothes to the side and caught wind of how messy and disheveled Obanai's appearance was. "Iguro, seriously?" he grumbled, gesturing the boy to come closer. The boy did so and Sanemi begrudgingly fixed his obi and folds, neatly presenting the clothing.

"There's your share of food, eat up," he told, pointing to the tray next to him. A bowl of rice, soup, and tempura. Oh, and an additional Ohagi or two, Sanemi's request. Obanai turned to the food and then back at Sanemi, then to the food and back at Sanemi again.

'Oh. Does he want to be left alone to eat?' Sanemi recalled Obanai's habit of eating alone. Well, whatever it takes for the kid to eat, he guessed. "Right. I'll take my leave." he stood up, ready to take off when he suddenly felt a tug on his white haori.

Sanemi swiftly turned his head around, his eyes slightly widening. Obanai's face was obscured by his long hair, looking down. It was a silent request. Stay. So Sanemi did.

The Hashira slowly ate, his eyes focused on the boy. Obanai didn't eat. He didn't pick up chopsticks and gobble down mouthwatering food like boys his age would.

How old even is he right now? 9? 10? With how shrimpy he was, Sanemi wasn't surprised if he was 7.

Nevertheless, kids like him need to eat, Sanemi concluded. "You're not hungry?" he asked, gesturing to the untouched bowl. Obanai shook his head. "Well too damn bad, you're gonna have to eat! It's bad to have an empty stomach before bed, you'll get stomach ulcers overnight," he spoke as if it was a fact everyone knew. Ah, the classic 'scaring your younger siblings into doing whatever you say' move that older siblings mastered well.

Obanai shook his head as if disputing the fact. He's gone to bed with an empty stomach countless times yet not once had ulcers appear in his stomach. He hoped. So he stood his ground and fiddled with the hems of his Yukata unsurely, exposing small scratches he got from tripping and falling while trying to run away from the snake demon.

Sanemi's eye twitched. He took note of light scratches on Obanai's arms and feet, dried blood flaking on his pale skin. He didn't even notice that! "I'm getting a doctor for you. And then, you're going to eat and lick this bowl clean before bed." he pointed to the once again, untouched presented food. Obanai didn't respond, he merely grazed his bandages.

Soon enough, the requested doctor showed up in their room. "Greetings, Shinazugawa-sama." he bowed his head in respect. "It's an honor to be treating you tonight."

Before he could speak more, Sanemi raised his hand to interrupt. "I'll pass. However..." his head turned to see Obanai clinging onto his haori, hiding behind his leg, "This runt here got hurt. Make sure he's okay." he instructed and the doctor nodded.

The three sat on the tatami mat, Sanemi crossing his arms as he observed the medical inspection. The doctor took in Obanai's heartbeat, asked a few questions regarding his health (to which the boy only nodded and shook his head, providing no further elaboration but they could work with that), and disinfected and gauzed the light grazes on his skin.

All went well until the doctor's hands reached to touch Obanai's bandages.

The boy pushed the doctor away with a force he didn't even know he had. The doctor toppled on his back, shock written on his wide eyes and hung mouth. Even Sanemi was taken aback. Obanai pushed himself close to a corner, scurrying to hide from them, eyes alert and scared.

The doctor quickly got up, "Boy, you have to let me see what's under your mask. What are you hiding?" he reasoned, stepping closer to Obanai. The boy seemed to shrink even more. Kaburamaru hissed, bearing his fangs at the man.

Sanemi grabbed the doctor's shoulders and pulled him back. "That's enough." and the doctor nodded obediently. No one fights a Hashira's orders.

The door shut behind him, silence filled the room. Sanemi turned to Obanai, "No one's making you take that off anymore." he finally spoke. His voice was firm. Obanai took his word for it and shakily nodded.

"Now eat. We have a long day tomorrow." he sighed, crossing his arms and walking away to give the boy space. He sat on the tatami mat again, collecting the dirty bowls and setting them down on the floor. He set up pieces of papers and an ink brush, requested from Hisa herself.

Sanemi wrote, composing a detailed reported letter to Ubayashiki. He wrote of the child that was supposed to be Obanai, but they were so different that he barely recognized the colleague he once knew from the boy's eyes. It took a long time to find the right words. He was sure hours had passed.

And once he finished, he rolled the paper and tied it to his crow's feet.

He watched from the window, the bird's black wings disappearing into the night sky.

Sanemi turned around, catching sight of a sleeping child covered head to toe in a thick blanket. Soft snores filled the room. He looked down and his frown deepened.

The food was left exactly the way it was. Cold. Untouched. Unmoving.


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