i'll help you find your sister.

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"So what do you want from me human?" *Roseville, the bunny girl asked florine in a snapped tone. A very annoyed and frustrated voice and a mean glare from this*

"I just need help finding the cat, and ask it a few questions!" *the human said, florine was her name incase you've forgotten about it.* "I really need to know why it saved me, especially since it's a grimreaper or something like that." *florine continued* I don't know what I did or if I deserve this second chance, not everyone gets to get a chance like this!" she said, seeming confused by this whole situation "I'm like.. the only girl in existence to be talking to a bunny who looks like a human. Not to mention! You , you sound like a girl who went missing in-"

"2010." Roseville spat at florine, sighing in annoyance as she raised her hand with black nails and queer flag designs on them. Her nails sharp and long like it could pike someone's eye out. she put her hand on her nose pinching it with two fingers with scars on them that looked like cat straches, all old and infected. florine looked at this and stared confused at the girls scars

"What are those from?" florine asked, reaching out her hand for Roseville to take, Roseville hesitated for a few minutes. holding her hand in her own before shakingly placing her hand onto florines gently, just resting her hand on hers

"Nothing much, just a few mistakes. I was lucky to get away , my sister isn't so lucky." Roseville explained, resting her hand on florine's as the free hand held her gut

"survivors guilt?" florine asked, holding her hands in her own. her skin smooth and soft like a stuffed animals while Roseville's were rough and felt like dirt.

"Maybe, I don't know. my sister might still be alive and I just don't have any contact with her but she might be alone and dying and-" Roseville stopped talking, her eyes filling with tears as it was nothing but muffled sobs as she put her sleeves over her face.

"those are.. some very serious scars Roseville. I know you're worried about your sister but those scars will get infected if you don't treat them. And your wounds will just get worse and worse" florine tried to explain to Roseville who looked at florine with confusion and concern, her face still wet from crying

"why do you care? you don't know anything! y-you're just a Human , you don't get to tell me what's good for me and whats not!" Roseville shouted at florine, stumbling over her words and talking fast to get out this conversation.

"Roseville I'm trying to help you! you're seriously hurt and need to have my help-" Florine began, her tone getting a bit annoyed

"I DON'T need help from a human! I don't want help from you, I want my sister. I want her back! it's not fair about how you get another chance and not her, what makes you so special!?" Roseville splashed water onto florine's face, a bit of water getting into florine's mouth which made her upset as she got up and kicked a ball of mud onto Roseville

"You don't have to be so- annoying! I'm trying to help you and you're doing nothing but make it harder for me than it has to be!!!" she snapped, getting into the water and shoving Roseville under it. "UGH! WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS!? WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU THAT WAS SOO AWFUL!" florine shouted, letting Roseville get out from under the water and breathe. florine would never kill or hurt someone badly just because they annoyed her alot.

"alot, believe it or not!" Roseville spat out as she caught her breath, getting out the lake and sitting down on a rock* "I LOST MY ONLY FAMILY AND IM STUCK WITH A HUMAN! I LOST EVERYTHING FLORINE, EVERYTHING !!" Roseville shouted before calming down and speaking quietly, her voice barely above a whisper "my sister meant the world to me, but there was a incident when we were playing a game. we got separated and when I went to go see her I saw a tall creepy thing. it had my sister" Roseville said, remembering what happ to her sister

florine looked at Roseville shocked, her mouth wide open and her eyes filling with guilt "I had no idea.." florine looked at the ground, her heart sunk.

"do you understand now human? I lost the only thing I loved and now I'm stuck with you trying to be my friend when I don't need a friend, I NEED MY SISTER!" Roseville shouted once again, this time a gust of wind blew when she was yelling adding more to her anger. it looked like her guilt was a leaf that fell off of the tree branch and drowned in the river.

"Roseville.." florine began "I genuinely care about you, I know what it's like to loose a loved one! I lost an old friend of mine.. he's been missing for over 5 Years now, and I get it you're worried about her. you're worried about what's happening to her." florine explained, the leaf falling on a rock in the water to keep it still and It doesn't drown further down into the water. "we'll get her back, but in return. you stop being a guarded kid and actually let your emotions out. okay?" florine proposed, holding out her hand for a handshake to seal the deal and Roseville hesitated before she shook it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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