the first read through

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Everyone had planned to do a musical number for Corbin coming to camp

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Everyone had planned to do a musical number for Corbin coming to camp. Charlotte was supposed to be in it but she overslept, so she got the story from Ricky saying that when they had accidentally done the number for Dewey instead of Corbin, so in a way, Charlotte was happy she missed it. "Okay, Corbin is going to be here soon so everyone better be at their best otherwise I'm going to murder each and everyone of you in your sleep, got it!" Charlotte shouts, which got her a few scared looks.

"I'm so glad you're helping me out" EJ says to Charlotte "I don't know what I would have done if I didn't have you here to threaten everyone."

"Well I do threaten someone at least once a day" Charlotte says with a shrug "But you are my friend, EJ, so of course I'd help out."

"Yeah, but maybe you might want to threaten everyone a little less when Corbin gets here" Val says to Charlotte with a smile.

"Why? Do you not think it'd be entertaining for the show?" Charlotte asks, mentioning the documentary. She wasn't going to admit it to anyone, but she was nervous about being in the documentary. Charlotte watches the Kardashians like there is no tomorrow, so she knows that reality television can make things seem real when it's not, and she was nervous that it was going to happen to her.

"Just be yourself" EJ says to Charlotte noticing that she seemed a bit off "As long as you are yourself, you have nothing to worry about."

"Corbin's on the clock" Corbin says as him and Channing walk into the Barn "It's go time."

"Mr Bleu, sir" EJ says to Corbin with Charlotte standing next to him "We have a killer first read-through plan for today."

"Right" Corbin says with a smile, walking away from the two directors.

"Okay, yeah, you make the rounds, good" EJ says awkwardly, which makes Charlotte elbow him.

"Don't seem too nervous" Charlotte gives her advice "Just breathe, it'll be good. Don't stress."

"Dope outfit" Corbin says to Kourtney, which makes the girl smile.

"Kourtney" Is all she says with a smile.

"You going to try and hug Corbin today, aren't you?" Charlotte asks Ricky, knowing that hugging a celebrity is on his list of things to do before he turns eighteen.

"Yes, that is my mission for today" Ricky says "And you're going to laugh at me if I fail so it's kind of a win-win whatever happens."

"Well I'll laugh at you either way before if you do hug him I can guarantee that it'll be the most awkward thing ever" Charlotte says to her best friend with a laugh.

"So, what's going on with you and Jet?" Ricky asks with a mischievous smile "And don't say nothing because I can tell there is something there. I know you too well for you to say that there is nothing."

"I mean, I sort of like him" Charlotte says "I just don't really know, I mean I've only known him for a few days so I can't really say if I do really like him; but yeah, there is something there."

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