the secret celebrity

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Charlotte had to go exploring around the camp before they announced the secret celebrity, so she had to walk there by herself, which made her notice someone leaning against a tree all by himself "Dude, you good?" Charlotte asks him, to which he tu...

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Charlotte had to go exploring around the camp before they announced the secret celebrity, so she had to walk there by herself, which made her notice someone leaning against a tree all by himself "Dude, you good?" Charlotte asks him, to which he turns to her with a slight glare. Immediately, she thought that he is absolutely gorgeous. His curly hair matched perfectly with his skin tone and even though he was glaring at her... she found it very hot (even though she hates it when people glare at her). "So I'm guessing you've been better?" Charlotte says to him as Carlos and Kourtney walk over to the two.

"Hi Char, hi Jet" Carlos says to the two.

"Hey Carlos" Charlotte says to her friend with a smile. Carlos and Charlotte became close very quickly as they bonded over the fact that they were two of the only people who were open about their sexuality at their school, it also helped that they were both in the same homeroom and in the drama club together.

"Mhm-hm" Jet says to Carlos, which is the most that Charlotte has heard from him in the past couple of minutes.

"Are you planning to sit or..." Carlos asks the mysterious new boy with a confused look.

"Just taking in the view" Jet answers before glancing at Charlotte but quickly covering it up by looking at the tree in front of him. He had to admit that he thought that Charlotte is pretty but he wasn't planning on staying at camp for very long so he just decided not to talk to her because there was no point really... and as well his parents don't allow him to date.

"Okay" Carlos says awkwardly as him, Kourtney and Charlotte walk away from Jet as he notices that Charlotte keeps looking back at Jet "Seriously, Charlotte? Jet?"

"He's hot okay!" Charlotte says defensively. One thing about Charlotte is that she can get a crush on someone in less than a minute and that crush can last for a very long time. Normally she would fall for girls, but this is the first time she has ever found herself falling for a guy.

"He was staring at a tree right?" Kourtney asks before looking to see if he's actually staring a the tree "Nope actually I think he's staring at Charlotte."

"Wait really?" Charlotte says happily as she turns to look at Jet, who quickly looks back at the tree again "Nope, he's looking at the tree."

"I'm just glad you two saw him too" Carlos says, beliving that Jet wasn't actually a real person. Once they walked into the ampitheatre, they sat in the row behind Gina and EJ "I think Char already has a crush on Jet" Carlos outs Charlotte, which makes Charlotte punch Carlos in the arm "Ow!"

"No I don't" Charlotte says "I just think he's cute, that's all."

"Who's Jet?" Gina asks, very confused being the only one apart from Ashlyn who hasn't met Jet yet.

"He's a new guy in our cabin" EJ tells his girlfriend "He hasn't really talked much."

"What up new campers!" Maddox says into the microphone on stage, which stops their conversation about Jet "So, I thought I'd sing a little song, maybe one or two of you wanna sing along."

Camp Shallow Lake by Maddox

"Okay, we've definetly joined a cult" Charlotte whispers to Kourtney, who is sitting next to her.

"Now give it up for the Wood!" Maddox shouts into the microphone "He loves some noise!" She adds on, which makes everyone cheer as a grumpy Dewey Wood walks over to the microphone.

"Alright, settle down" A grumpy Dewey Wood says into the microphone a couple of times before everyone shuts up "For those who don't remember, I'm your camp director, Dewey Wood..."

"Dewey Wood?" EJ ramdonly says loudly.

"Yes he would!" I lot of people shout back.

"I'm going to keep this short and sweet" Dewey says, already sick of camp "It's another summer, let's have fun, friendship is magic, be careful what you flush okay?"

"I love him" Charlotte says happily, pointing at the grumpy old man.

"Now, I know the reason we have many new faces here is because of the exciting news" Dewey starts to say "This summer, Camp Shallow Lake has been selected for a very special opportuinity, and to tell you about it, here comes a very familiar face, Mr Corbin Blue!"

"Wait what?" Charlotte says until she has processed what Dewey had just said "EJ Caswell, I love you so much for brining us here!" Charlotte shouts as she violently shakes EJ's shoulders.

"Oh I'm so excited to be here at Camp Shallow Lake" Corbin Blue says into the microphone "Wow, you guys, I cannot wait to tell you about what we have planned this summer. My pals at the house of mouse have given us the key to the magic kingdom and this means you guys are gonna be the first camp on the planet to premier a global blockbuster which became a Broadway sensation. Does anyone have a jacket in here, it suddenly got clod in here?" He says before he dramatically pauses "We're gonna put on Frozen!" Corbin announces as everyone cheers and Carlos looks like he's going to cry "And there's more... so this camp was chosen by Disney Theatrical's Licensing Agent MTI, to do the first ever production of this Frozen script in advance of the release of the licensing rights to high schools everywhere."

"Well that just rolled right off of the tounge" Ashlyn comments, still in shock.

"And this camera is going to be following us all around because we're also making a documentary about the show, and it's going to premier on Disney+!" Corbin shouts, and makes Charlotte feel like she's going to faint "It's gonna be very meta, you guys."

"I just realised why that health form we filled out was like twenty pages" Carlos says to the group "I think I signed a release."

"I know I should have read that thing" Kourtney says as she fixes up her knowing that she is on camera.

"And hey" Corbin says "I know there are some real life Wildcats out there" He says which makes the group stand up "And I look forward to signing headshots for you later this summer" He adds on which makes them sit back down "'Cause it's all going down at Camp Shallow Lake, so watch this space" Corbin says before walking off of stage.

"I'm going to be on television!" Charlotte shouts, still not being able to process what had just happened.

1096 Words

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