Found and Lost

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     It was another day. The counslers woke the campers up. Yasmina opened her eyes and looked above her. She missed Sammy who slept on the top bunk. She went out of the room to freshen up. When she went in the bathroom, she saw Kenji and Brooklyn already up.

Y: Where's Ben?
R: He's out wandering around the forest.
Y: Looking for Bumpy?
R: I think so.
Y: Kids still sleeping?
K: Yeah. I'll wake them up.

Bens POV
I was sneaking in MedBay, trying to find the room where Darius and maybe Sammy might be in. I found this locked room but I had no time to find the key. I heard voices and footsteps coming over.

H: I'm telling you! I saw someone!
O: And I'm telling you I didn't see anyone. Is the Huro done?
H: No!
O: Then do it quick.
H: It'll finish tomorrow then-
O: No. Finish it by evening!
H: What!? UGH

     Kash went in his room and slammed the door. I turned to look at the locked door which was on my left but I heard someone behind me. "Looking for something?" the voice spoke in a deep sound. I slowly turned to my right and I was met with Mr. Kon's face. I gasped in shock. It scared me of how close his face was, it felt like a jump scare.

     He took my hand and pulled me hard and it felt like he was trying to break my arm! He, then threw me into a dark room full of boxes. He told me in a calm voice but with harsh words, "Stay here and if you try and get out, I might feed you to one of the T-Rexes." And just like that he slammed the door shut, locking me in there. Man, he's a mad man.

3 hours later
     It was about 8:25pm. The campers got back to camp and saw a terrible mess inside. They thought a dinosaur broke in but it was just Ben's cousins. Brooklyn called them and forced them to clean up the mess. They weren't happy with that. Yasmina started to look around for Ben, so do the counslers. "I guess Ben didn't come back yet?" Mat spoke his thought.

     The people soon heard a sound. They checked outside through the window to see what it was and...Sammy?
She's there, running towards the elevator. Yasmina ran in full speed to the elevator to greet Sammy. When she saw her, she pulled Sammy in to a big, tight hug. The others ran in to join the hug.

Y: Sammy, you're back!
R: But how!?
S: They let me go. I felt curious why but then they said that I'm not suitable?
K: What do they mean by not suitable?
S: I don't know!
I: But I'm glad you're back Sam.
S: Oh, oh! Where are the kids!?
N: Hi Sammy!
S: Anna!! Wait where's Ben?
R: We don't know, too.
M: We've been waiting for him for a long time.
C: Sammy! Where is Darius?
S: Oh..uh..h-he's out..for a walk! Yeah for a walk!
A: He's been walking for 2 days!?
S: No, no!
Y: He's on vacation.
K: What!? -whisper- Yaz, that's the worst excuse ever made up ever!
Y: So what?
E: Is he really on vacation?
R: Yeah. He swam with dolphins.
N: Aw man. He should've invited us so we can-
I: Swim with sharks..?
A: What.. No way.
S: Guys, should we look for Ben?
E: Is Ben missing?
K: No! Uhh... He went with Darius!
M: Yeah! Let's start um..treking!
R: Sure. Treking.

     They checked the forests and jungles but none found him, yet.

Ben's POV
     I was stuck in this room for a very, very long time. It was a small room and I wonder what the Ks (Kash and Kon) are doing. I checked inside the boxes around me. Inside is just wooden planks and scrap metals. I can actually open the door but nah. The door can't be locked from the inside. I guess Kon is a mad man.

     I got so bored until I heard a knock. Was it a miracle!? Was someone coming to save me? But when I opened the door, it was the kids. Just the kids. I asked them what they're doing here and they said they're hungry. Good reason.

     I wonder...where the others are. I asked the kids. They said "They were treking." Wait..treking?Where'd they learn that  word? I just sighed and laid on the ground. Boring.

Sorry I didn't publish anything yesterday. I have a test and I have to review my lesson. I don't know how to end this part so it's quite a lame ending. 😢

Word Count (without word count message) : 800♥♦

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