Chip the Chip

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Ben's POV
     I was horrified. It can't be like this! They can't control my best friend. They can't! They won't! ....Right?
(End of his pov)

D: Don't do this, please!
H: It's best you stay still and SHUT UP! It will hurt when you keep moving around like this!
O: Kash...
H: ugh

     He pointed the gun to Darius' ear and was going to shoot but Ben came in time....or not. "STOP!" Ben shouted angrily, "LET HIM GO! " Kash said "Oh so your friend is coming to save you huh? Ahh I'm so scared, I'M NOT STOPPING"

     He pointed the gun to his ear one last time and Ben ran as fast as he can but couldn't reach them in time. Kash chipped Darius. No way Ben could get it out. He stopped and looked defeated as Darius owed in pain soon blacking out.

     "What should you do now, tough boy? " Kash finally said before taking Darius back to the room. Yasmina saw it all. She felt useless. All she did was follow Ben around. Ben looked to the ground and started to run towards Kash to jump on him and pin him to the ground


     Darius woke up. "DARIUS!" Ben called out. But Darius just looked at him and said "sorry." Ben froze in confusion. Darius stood up and pushed Ben off Kash. The chip worked. It controlled Darius. No, Mr. Kon did. He walked into the scene with a tablet in his hands. Darius backed up and turned to go in the room with Sammy. Ben felt betrayed but he knew it wasn't Darius' fault..

     Kash was following Mr. Kon and looked back at Ben, giving him an evil grin. Ben was mad and heartbroken at the same time.

     Back at camp, everyone returned except Yasmina and Ben. They were thinking what could've happened to them.

I: You guys are ok, right?
R: Yeah. Yaz and D didn't arrive yet, though.
K: I told you! Now 2 is missing!
M: Kenji, they might just be late. Don't blame anyone, yet.

     Later, they heard Yasmina calling out to them, "Guys!" "Yaz! Ben! You're ok!" shouted Brooklyn as she ran over to them. She pulled them into a hug.

Y: Darius, he-
B: Was chipped.
B: What!?
I: Kids! You ok?
Y: Yeah.. Where's Kenji?
M: He doesn't want to come see you. He said he's tired.
Y: Oh
R: But guys, what do you mean he was chipped!?
I: Who was chipped?
R: Darius
Y: They said something about the Huro Chip and well it's for humans and I guess it works...but we can-
B: I'm tired. I'm going to bed.
M: Oh, ok!

     Ben walked into camp and looked at Kenji. He didn't even look tired. He was just mad. We can tell. He tried to not make it obvious by asking a question, "So, what happened?" Ben ignored. Kenji just acted like he doesn't care.

Back with Kash and Daniel
     They were still testing the chip by controlling Darius. It only worked for most of the things on the tablet. They thought this wasn't good enough and talked about it.

H: What do you think about this.
O: It will help us solve our problems with those kids but not all.
O: I suggest we make another one.
H: Sure. Maybe we use the girl for this..other one?
O: No. She's not suitable for it.
H: What? What do you mean!? Anyone is suitable-
O: NO! No is a no.
H: Ugh, fine. Who will we use it on?
O: One of the kids. The strong one.
H: And who is that...?

So I was wrong about my ideas coming back so PLEASE HELP!! I'm not getting much readers and not 1 single vote but I'm still continuing for the readers that read my stories😁😁

Word Count (without this word count message: 673♥♦

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