First Night

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     It was midnight and everyone was asleep except Darius. He was looking at all the kids that slept on Ben. It was cute how the kids surrounded him.

Darius POV:
     The kids are cute but I feel like something is missing.. 1..2..wait. I thought there's 4 but there's 3!

     Then, someone jumped on him. "HI DARIUS!" It was Anna. "What are you doing up so late!?" Darius asked having an angry face. " I'd ask the same," was all Anna said. Darius told her to go to
sleep until they heard a door open. Darius checked outside. It was probably the counslers or his friends but he didn't see anyone. Anna was scared and hid in the blanket. Darius looked back at her "Don't worry, no one is here." Luckily he closed the door quietly, told Anna to sleep one last time and he took a nap.

     There was later a CREAK sound coming from the nearby door. This time, Ben woke up. He took his glasses ( he wears glasses ) and gently put the kids down. He opened the door to see a figure. He thought he's just hallucinating until it walked towards him. Ben slammed the door shut and laid his back on the door, soon hearing KNOCK KNOCK.. Ben, terrified asked who they are but they didn't answer. Maybe someone was sleepwalking or maybe someone went out to drink water and knocked on the wrong room. It was a dead silence so he opened the door very slowly and checked again. The figure was knocking at Yaz and Sammy's  room. Ben closed the door unnoticed and decided to ignore everything that has happened. He went back to sleep.

     The next morning, Ben woke up to see that Sammy was missing and everyone was panicking. The kids were still asleep but Ben woke them up. He told everyone that last night, he saw a strange figure. Darius said that he didn't see a figure but he heard someone come inside camp. "I heard someone knocking on my door," Yasmina said while panting. Riley told everyone to calm down until they heard a THUD and a CREAK. Everyone, not the counslers, freaked out. They went to see no one was there. It was probably a tree or wind but how did wind end up as a thud sound?

     The teens, kids and counslers went to find Sammy but still, no sign of her. It was evening and everyone was hungry and tired. They forgot about breakfast and even lunch. They went back to camp and ate dinner. It was dark. They can't continue searching. Ben went to his room early while the others stayed out. He closed the door and heard a growl. He slowly turned around. It was a Velociraptor. However, it didn't attack him at all. It came closer and closer and investigated him. Ben stood still, with his back in the door. How did this thing get here? It soon jumped out of the window and landed on the bottom roof safely. It jumped again, landed on the ground and ran away. He sighed in relief. Soon, everyone went to sleep.

     That night, Darius heard a sound again. He checked outside and the figure pulled him out and took Darius with him...


Word Count ( without this message ) : 555♥♦

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