𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 || 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗 🤍

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We were all waiting for the lights out to start the Azerbaijan Grand Prix.

'And it's lights out and away we go!'

'Okay Jas good start you're on P10 from P13 good job!'

'Yeah thanks! Where is Lewis?'


'Okay copy'

It all went really great but sadly my race ended when I made a contact with one of the Alpines around the 40th laps and I went if the track hitting the wall. I lost control over my car and couldn't avoid the collision either. I passed out from the huge crash and couldn't remember a thing from what happened after the contact with Alpine.

*Lewis's POV*

'P3 Lewis good job, 5 laps and we need to box!'


I was driving like crazy to win the Azerbaijan GP, I need a win, Max is only 5 seconds away from me so I need to push like really hard but my tires are really used.

We're in the 40th laps now I'm getting really close to Max now when...

'Okay Lewis red flag! I repeat red flag!'

'Why what happened?'

'Ocon and Wolff crashed'

'Wait Jas is okay?'

'Her car is on fire and she's not responding so probably not'

'Please come to the box!'

'No no no, she's should have been careful!' I said it to myself and went to the pit lane. I get out of my car and went to see Toto he's probably afraid of loosing her daughter. We watched the television what showed that everyone trying to rescue Jasmine.

'What is he doing there?' I asks when I saw Charles running to the burning car and he seemed really not okay. Like he was that afraid than Toto but they're just friends with Jasmine as far as we now.

*Charles's POV*

'Good start Charles still P1, Max 1 seconds away!'


I was fighting for my first win today and I really performed well. During the race I was third second and first too. This is a really frustrating race but now I'm leading again. We have still 12 laps ahead and I was curious how Jas doing.

'Someone can tell me how the Mercedes is? Which positions they are?'

'Lewis P3'

'And the other?'

'Jas is far from you she's P8 fighting with Ocon for P7'

'Okay thanks' she's okay, I though to myself after what I heard but after one lap we had a red flag caused by Ocon and Wolff.

'Charles red flag come in now!'

'Nooo!!' I said and stopped my car get out and started running. I can't lost her, we can't lost her. She's car is on fire we need to get her out as soon as we can! When I got there I tried everything to save her. Eventually we got her out, she looked really bad. Her equipments, we can say they protect her somewhat from burning but on her hands we saw that she had some burn injuries. She had no life signal though.

'No no no, stay whit me please Jas stay with us. You can't leave your father and me neither! I love you please!!' I was crying hard, they put her in the ambulance and they drove her away to the hospital trying to save her life.


*Toto's POV*

I never thought that I could loose my daughter this soon. I was sitting in the hospital with Lewis and George and they seemed as afraid of loosing her as me. They're like brothers to her and sons to me. I was glad that they came with me and don't let me come here alone. We waited like 3 or more hours in the hospital waiting for a doctor to came by and tell us what's going on with her. It's killing me not knowing what's going in with her, I can't loose her too it would be too much.

'Toto, Charles is here' came Lewis to me after an other hour of waiting. 'He's holding flower in his hands and looking really stressed out'

'Where is he?'

'There' he pointed ahead of himself and I got up for the first time since I'm here. I couldn't move until now, I need to know why is he here and why he doesn't listened to his engineer and went out for box during red flag.

'Good night sir, I just wanted to see how Jasmine is doing. Carlos will come either but he need to do something quick. This is for her from me and Carlos' he said and his voice chocked a little. I decided all things what I wanted to ask but I couldn't say a word. I just want to know she's okay and if she's awake yet or not.

'Toto Wolff?' yelled someone my name and I immediately turned to see who's looking for me. It was her doctor who went in in the OR for the surgeries.

'How is she?' I ran to him, also Lewis, George and Charles came closer.

'She's knee is broken, we needed to fix it. Also she has a very severe concussion so she's in coma now. Also she had some internal bleeding and problems. She's not looking so good right know but we think she'll have a full recovery.' said the doctor all the informations about her. I lost all my words, I felt myself devastated and in depression. It's not looking good, I can lost her.

'How long is this going to take?' asked Lewis, we were all in shock and he was the only one who could speak and ask.

'We don't know, probably more than 2-3 weeks. If she's conditions improves, we will try to wale her up from coma after 1 week.' he said

'Can I see her?' I asks, it was so hard to speak in this situation. I felt like that I'm stuck in those memories with Jasmine's mother many years ago. I felt like I'm going in to my wife's room crying and praying to wake up, but no I'm going in to my only family member to my daughter who's so young to die.

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