"This is for Zelda," Urbosa said. "She better still be out there somewhere, or else I'll show no mercy to whoever is behind all this."

And with that, Urbosa stuck the blade downward into the skull of Queen Gibdo.

Back in Lanayru, the sludge had disappeared, and the Zora were saved.

"R-Revali?" Mipha asked. "W-Would you mind giving Link and I a moment?"

"Eh, sure..." Revali muttered as he flew over to a different part of the island.

"Link, you need to know something..."

"Not now, Miph." Link replied. "We gotta figure out what that glowing stone is over there."

Link and Mipha walked over the stone.

It started floating in the air, and moved towards Mipha. Then it formed an item of jewelry around her hand, and planted itself there, with a blue glow.

Mipha suddenly had a vision. She stopped moving and kept a blank stare, causing Link to be concerned, unaware that she was having a vision of her ancestor, who told her the true purpose of the stone.

"Mipha?" Link asked. "MIPHA???"

He waved his arms around in front of her face, but to no avail. Revali heard all the commotion, and flew over to the pair.

"What's all the ruckus about?" he asked.

"It's Mipha!" Link cried out. "She's not moving!"

As Link spoke, Mipha turned around and faced Revali.

"Asinine." Revali grumbled. "Lying for attention. Just pathetic."

"I was having a vision, Link." Mipha said. "Of my ancestor! They told me that we are not just Champions, but Sages! Revali, Daruk, Urbosa, Zelda, and myself! We are the Six Sages destined to defend Hyrule from a king of demons! And these stones, these are the Secret Stones that will enhance our power."

"So, we're more than just champions..." Revali said. "Well that's brilliant! I'm glad to hear that I'm more than Link's backup."

"My ancestor told me that we are to act as the Hero's support team in the final battle." Mipha said to Link.

"SUPPORT TEAM?" Revali screeched. "I think I'd rather be a Champion, thank you!"

"Listen, Revali..." Link said. "There's bad stuff going on all around Hyrule, remember? We need to get to Rito Village and stop whatever phenomena is going on there!"

"Fine." Revali said. "Let's get going then... But wait, how would you get up there on your own! You only got to this sky island by riding Mipha's back up the waterfall!"

"Well..." Link said. "I could ride on your back."

"I suppose if that is absolutely necessary for the future of Hyrule, then you can. But let me stock up on arrows first. Those construct things on the next island over may have bomb arrows."

Revali left briefly to find some arrows, giving Mipha and Link a moment to themselves.

"So what was it I needed to know earlier?" Link asked.

"W-well..." Mipha replied, blushing. "You see, I have a gift for you Link. I-I've been planning to give it to you for quite some time now, actually."

"Gift?" Link asked. "For me? What is it?"

"Come with me to the East Reservoir."

"What about Revali?"

"He can wait."


Mipha and Link dove down into the East Reservoir Lake, and swam together to Mipha's quarters by the reservoir.

Mipha grabbed a set of armor that was on her bed, and presented it to Link.

"Link." Mipha said. "To you I present, my Zora Armor."

"You don't mean-"

"I do indeed, Link."

"Do you accept it, Link?"

There was silence for almost three minutes, and Mipha began to worry. She was about to sigh, when Link responded.

"Yes." was all Link said. He grabbed the armor out of Mipha's arms, and put it on.

Before he could comment on it, Revali arrived.

"Link, quit playing dress up and come on!" Revali said. "I got a good supply of bomb arrows for both of us, as well as some Spicy Elixirs for you. Now come on already!"

Link got on Revali's back, and the Rito took off for the skies, toward Hebra.

Mipha looked up into the sky, and whispered a prayer to Nayru for Link.

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