Well I have a place to sit now, so time to look around. "I'll come back to sit then but I just wanna see around. I've never been on a train before."

Hermione raised her eyebrow, "You've never been on a train before?" Is it that strange? I shook my head and before anything else could be asked the full boy suddenly screamed.

"No! Where did he go now!?" He suddenly knelt onto the floor looking under the seats, Hermione went back inside, and the door slid closed behind her. She waved at me one last time before talking to the boy and I took it as my sign to walk around again. With the train in motion I could see the land speeding past, it felt strange being able to walk comfortably while passing by the large green landscape as if it was nothing. As I was walking more I ran into the ginger boy that I had seen before. He was a bit taller than me actually. I watched as he walked into a compartment with the twins I'd followed and the brown haired boy I saw before.

I felt something push me to approach them.

Putting on a brave face I slightly knocked on the entrance and they all turned to me making me freeze up, anddddd there goes any confidence I had a second ago, "Umm.. hello."

"New to the wizarding world?" Asked the twins in unison to which I nodded, and they motioned for me to come in. I did walk in, feeling less nervous and sat next to the brown-haired boy, "You must be a muggle too, like harry?"

I spoke up with a soft smile," Ya I'm a muggle, my names Y/N."

"Are you a muggle born?" I tilted my head at the three red heads and they let out a laugh. The youngest is the one who chose to explain," I'm a pure blood cause my parents are both wizards, muggle born wizards come from normal muggles." It finally clicked in my head what they meant, I had talked to McGonagal about this two days ago but it was at night when I was tired. I completely forgot about all this.

"Actually I'm not really sure.." It was there turn to look at me confused. "Well... I never knew my parents."

The boy next to me suddenly perked up which caused me to look at him," We have something in common then." I motioned for him to continue," I never knew my parents, I've been living with family of my mother. All muggles." With that he raised his hand," my name is Harry Potter."

He searched my face for some type of reaction but all I gave in return was a smile and grasping his hand," It's nice to meet you Harry." He cheeks went slightly pink but I turned away to face the twins," And you three are?"

"I'm fred weasley," said the further twin with a smile but the other bumped his shoulder. "No your George , I'm Fred. Don't believe him he's a liar." The other shoulder bumped him back and scoffed," You're confusing the poor girl, Im Fred and he's George. This is our little brother Ron."

I waved at them all, they were all nice. Whatever house they were in I'd gladly join. Interrupting my thoughts a lady came across the door with a trolly filled with sweets. As much as I usually loved sweets 1- I have no money as I used it all and 2- I'm so nervous I feel like if I ate it'd make me sick. "Anything off the trolly dears"?

I politely said ,"No thank you I'm alright."

Ron on the other hand raised what was food I think and looked away from harry, disgusted by the thing he held up which was why he couldn't buy anything. I lightly poked at it trying to figure out what exactly it was. If I didn't know any better I'd think it was baby vomit, even the stuff I ate from trash bins didn't look like this... "No thanks I'm all set."

Harry noticed this and turned towards the lady his hand going into his pocket,"We'll take the lot." Next thing I know he takes out a bunch of coins , his hand was filled with me and Ron staring out mouths wide open. I've never seen so much money just easily spent on sweets. Now having tons of sweets Ron decided to sit on the same side as harry as they began picking at the stuff harry just bought. I got up and headed towards the door, "Y/N would you like some before you go?" asked Harry noticing I was just watching them.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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