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Chapter 2 
~My New Home~

( Your POV)





As I woke up the first thing on my mind was to check the bathroom mirror and I let out a relieved sigh, my eyes had returned to their normal e/c shade. With that out of my mind finally, I started getting ready showering first then fixing my h/l h/c hair to look decent for once and changing into the only other pair of clothes available here. A simple f/c t shirt and jeans. "I'm going to be changing into the school uniform anyway."

All my stuff to take with me to the train station was all on a cart as well as my new owl who I had yet to name. I headed out with all my things and as I exited the house it slowly beggining to shift and disappear as if it'd never been there. "Y-you can do this Y/N.....magic is real..and you're a wizard...or well- witch....." I sighed as I mentally slapped myself across the face. "Let's get going,"I said to the pretty snowy owl and began to make my way to the train station. Good news was it wasn't too far from here but once I was inside and was making my way to the platform I finally had the realization of what McGonagal had said.

"There is no 9 3/4 ...."

I froze in the spot seeing 9 and 10 only. Leaving my stuff at a wall I began to walk in a circle in between where it said 'platform9' and 'platform10'. "I was hoping something would happen, maybe I should have asked McGonagall for more directions."  I need to stop talking to myself out loud before someone starts to think I'm a loon. I sat down on the floor sulking and thinking. I began to glare at the brick arches wall in between 9 and 10.I was hoping maybe I'd find an entrance if I stared hard enough. Thankfully two twins ran through the walls followed by two younger boys one with ginger hair and the other with dark brown hair.

They went through the freaking wall.

I was terrified about running into a wall but those four were obviously not normal. And I wasn't normal. So that meant they were wizards too. I felt a chill go up my spin as I circled my things on the cart around to face the wall. I backed up and went through the wall with my eyes closed out of fear. When I realized I hadn't bounced off the wall I opened my eyes and was instantly greeted by a bright busy train that said Hogwarts Express. Steam coming out from the top and it was glistening in the sunlight of the exit it would go through. It was an enclosed area much brighter and warmer than the one I had just been standing in. But only the one train was in sight. To be fair it was a very big train.

I pushed my cart forward following the loads of other children, all from different backgrounds with different appearances. Some seemed to know what to do instantly while other met up with friends and then there were those like me. Confused and lost on what to do. Thankfully with my eye on those same twins from before I got my stuff put away on the train and finally went inside. I walked slowly as I passed by many compartments, most of them already had people inside with their friends. I grew worried, what if I didn't find anywhere to sit? I don't know anyone here... I've never had friends to begin with. The train suddenly started to move and I accidentally crash into someone. I snapped out of my imagination and looked up to see a girl with brown bushy hair, "Oh I'm really sorry."

She smiled at me, "It's alright!" She then stuck her hand out to me with a smile on her face, "I'm Hermione Granger." I slowly took her hand in mine to shake it which earned me a smile from the girl and I responded though remembering what I had been told.

"I'm Y/N , nice to meet you Hermione."

"You can sit with us if you want?" She motioned into the compartment, she stood in front of a nervous full boy sitting inside along with a girl that had straight black hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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