Subject: Perseus Achilles Jackson

Born: August 18, 1996

Status: Alive

Current Age: 18

Age during time of Case: 12

Eye Color: Sea green, blue, green

Hair: Black

Height: current height unknown, estimated to be around 6'0

Weight: Unknown, estimated to be over 150 lbs.

Current Registered Residence: Sally Blofis and Paul Blofis's house


Laura and Jim Jackson- deceased, Grandparents

Sally Celine Jackson- mother

Father Unknown

Gabe Ugliano- first stepfather, unaccounted for, presumed deceased

Paul Blofis- second stepfather


Mr. Brunner- Mythology Teacher at Yancy Academy

Mrs. Dodds- teacher attacked by subject, unaccounted for

Annabeth Chase- deceased; presumed girlfriend, reported together during many strange and questionable occurrences; Mother- Unknown

Grover Underwood- friend from Yancy Academy, disabled, seen traveling with them; Parents: Unkown

Jason Grace- deceased, no affiliation until recent years, sighted with subject around Europe, cause of destruction on the West Coast, confirmed relationship with Piper McLean; Father- Unknown

Leo valdez- deceased, foster child, same affiliation status as Jason Grace; Father- Unknown

Hazel Levesque- deceased, no records, suspected of relationship with Frank Zhang, same affiliation status as Jason Grace; Father-Unknown

Frank Zhang- deceased, Canadian/American citizen, suspected of relationship with Hazel Levesque, same affiliation status as Jason Grace; Father-Unknown

Piper McLean- deceased, police record, delinquent, confirmed relationship with Jason Grace, same affiliation status as the others; Mother-Unknown

Suspected of allying with an unidentified Terrorist Organization

Powers: Unknown, Classified


Current Grade Level- 11th, Junior year

Hopped around many schools, Goode was his longest time at any school: 2 years

Expelled from over six schools in six years

Strange Occurrences:

Third Grade- was stalked by a large man for weeks around school; police interviened

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