Transformation Shenanigans + More

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 Before the couple could even complain, Silas was leading everyone inside to see them. Probably to put chips in them too, but for now that wasn't the main thing to worry about. Sun came in first, immediately surprised to see the two. 

 "Guess which one is Moon!" Silas told him jokingly. 

 Before a second could even pass, Moon raised his hand to help Sun out. He knew it was obvious, but Sun was the only one he really knew other than Monty in the room, and he'd rather just talk to him then the other glamrocks. 

 "M-moon?" Sun stuttered. 

 Moon nodded, avoiding his brothers gaze as he fiddled with the ribbons on his wrist yet again. It was very awkward now since... you know, shorter. It was easier to tell that Monty was taller than usual when put beside Sun. He was still shorter than Sun, but tall enough to at least fit in as a daycare attendant. 

 "Why are you so sm-" 

 "Don't you DARE say small!" Moon interrupted.

 Sun laughed, apologizing as he still picked his brother up to make eye contact with him. His cyan eyes met with his brothers shaking red ones as the other animatronics entered the room. They could hear them beginning to whisper to one another, but at that point they didn't really care. 

 "Now, listen up!" Silas declared. 

 They all went silent, putting all of their attention on the man. He gulped before continuing to announce his orders, "All animatronics find a seat, I have to put this chip in y'all in order for... this to happen." He gestured at the human couple, causing Moon to growl like an angry cat. Sun giggled to the sound of his brothers reaction as he jokingly booped his nose. 

 There was only three seats. Roxanne wanted to give up her seat to Sun at first, but the daycare attendant insisted that he could just sit on the floor. He was used to sitting on the floor with children after all. Of course Roxy still loved herself a little more than the usual person, so she didn't reject the offer. Sun didn't really mind that, but Moon seemed a little more... bothered. It was obvious because of the tight grip he had on his sleeves with his arms crossed. 

Anyway, it didn't take long for Silas to shut them all off. For Moon, it was weird to see his brother off outside of the charging station and the safety cylinder. Sun was the type of person to almost constantly check his battery, so reaching even close to 0% was never a problem for him. Unfortunately, this left him and Monty alone with Silas. Again. 

 "So the both of you dating, or what?" He asked. 

 Only silence. 

 "Its alright, I'm not telling anybody. In fact, I kind of ship it..." 

 Monty chuckled, leaving Moon in confusion.

 "Wh-what does that mean?" Moon stuttered. 

 "To take interest or at least hope that a romantic relationship happens between at least two people." Monty explained.


 Silas laughed, "Well, I suggest you two look away to make the illusion work. I'll tell you both when to look back."

  The two nodded, walking over to the other side of the room and facing the wall there. In the meantime, Silas managed to check off all of the chips and get the illusion working. It took a little more time due to the increased number of animatronics, but since he had gotten used to checking codes it only took around ten minutes. 

 "Ok, turn around.." The mechanic ordered, disturbing the silence. 

 They both turned around. Moon immediately ran up to his brother, who now unsurprisingly looked almost just like him. The only visible differences really was the attire, along with the hair color. Sun had blonde hair now, with the same attire he usually wore. His fingernails were now painted sky blue. After a short amount of silence, he opened his eyes to reveal that exact same color in them. 

Monty x Moon - The Unknown DuoWhere stories live. Discover now