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Kwon Il-Ha-

                    "OK be quiet!" Ms.Park announced, "I will announce the ranking of your mock exam answers."I rolled my eyes knowing that I would be last but listened anyway."Ok, number one in our class and the entire senior class is Younghoon, give a round of applause." Ms. Park smiled handing him his exam paper. I didn't care as I noticed a few other people in class clapping for him but when I saw Kim-Chi applauding him I got angry and threw whatever was on my desk at him. He looked at me fearfully and confused as I glared at him for a split second and turned my head feeling annoyed. 

           God, I swear I don't know what the hell it is about Kim-Chi but he makes me feel a certain way that annoys the crap out of me, "Second place, Young-Soo, third place is  Yu-Jeong, next is Young-Shin, Yeon-Joo, Jang-Soo, Na-Ra..." she continued until I and Hee-Rak were the only two left. , "Alright, the two who came in last with the same answers, Everyone knows who they are already so might as well announce it.  Il-Ha, Hee-Rak come to get your papers." she sighed. I could tell that Ms.Park was so done with our attitudes.

                   Me and Hee-Rak looked at each other laughed and clapped for ourselves. "Woohoo! Yeah! A round of applause everyone! Haha!" The truth is we didn't care if we were last. We didn't care if we got into college or not. We happily accepted our exam papers and walked back. On my way back to my seat I bumped into Young-Hoon's bag. And instead of saying sorry I just kicked it to the back of the class and smirked at him as he glared. "Hey! You two! Stop it!" Ms. Park warned me. I bowed and walked back to my seat. 

          Suddenly the loudspeaker played a message, "All senior class teachers please come to the teachers' office immediately." Ms.Park sighed and walked out, "That's all for now. Prepare for class, hand in your phones and please behave!" she warned from outside the door as she left. Younghoon stopped at my desk for a few seconds but left to get his bag. I don't know if it was the urgency or something about the message but it felt off off. It made me suspicious so I sent the only one I thought wouldn't get in trouble and if he was found out they wouldn't care, "Kim-Chi, go see what's going on?" I said to him, "In the teachers' office? Me?" he asked. 'This idiot I thought, "Go. Now." I emphasized picking up something off my desk in a motion to throw it at him again."Geez! Okay, ok I'll go..." He ran out of the room. Bo-Ra looked back at me, "Why? Do you think you're on to something?" She asked, "No, but I have this really bad feeling about it." all I had to do now was wait for Kim-Chi to come back with news. 

Teachers' Office-

 ("We have to cancel it I'm sorry." the principal said, "No wait, this is too sudden. the seniors, they worked so hard on this mock exam you can't-" Ms. Park disagreed that was all Chi-yeol heard before Ms.Park opened the door startling him, "My goodness Ms. Park!" Chi-yeol breathed heavily. "Sigh* come on Chi-Yeol let's go back upstairs." was all she could manage to say as they walked back to class.) 

Back to Il-Ha-

Ms. Park walked back with Kim-Chi right behind her and I couldn't help but sigh.'What a loser' I thought rolling my eyes at Kim-Chi. Ms. Park looked like she had bad news for us so we all listened to her speak," Guys..., the enrolling admission's canceled, I'm sorry." Everyone was confused but I was more relieved than before.,"Ms. Park, are you serious?" Everyone else but Hee-rak and I asked. She turned on the TV," This will explain everything."

{:::TV NEWS:::}

The spheres in the sky pose a new kind of threat that the military deems unsafe and there are not enough soldiers in the military as of right now so from now on all high-school seniors will be mobilized and must require strict military training. All college and university admissions and early enrollment programs are canceled. That is all."


                Wait military training?! That can't be true!" All of us complain, "They must be joking right Ms. Park? Ms. Park?" She holds a guilty look on her face, "It's out of my hands, I am so sorry, I have to go. Have all your parents sign this form." I watched as Ms. Park walked out of the door leaving us confused. I looked over at Kim-Chi who was staring at Young-Hoon with sad and guilty eyes. I got angry. All he does in school is stare at Young-Hoon or the new girl Lee Na-Ra. I stopped being angry for a second and called my friend. I sat on top of a random desk as he told me about the same thing that happened to us happened to him."What is your school too?! Wow, shut up! bye, you little sh*t. Take care, see ya." I hung up, "It must be true then I guess." I thought, "If you're done get off my desk." Young-Hoon told pissing me off. He then told me he would turn my phone into the teacher.  

                 That was the final straw, this brat has been getting on my nerves the whole year and I've had enough of it.,"If I beat you to a pulp how bad would my punishment be?" I pushed his head back egging him on. I didn't expect him to back-hit his head in my face. A big fight broke out and eventually, Jangsoo and Kim-Chi managed to break us apart as I pushed him into the lockers and started punching him. Just then Deok-Jeong noticed tanks rolling into our school, "Geez! Must be for the training right?" someone said, "I guess so..." We all were released from school still clueless as to what was going on. All I have to worry about now is trying to convince my mom to not sign the form.

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