waking up

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-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Authors Note: Before we begin, I'm going to give our character a name.Please suggest a name in the comments.

Other than that note, please enjoy part 2 of my fanfic. Any and all comments are welcome, like tell me something i can work on or something you enjoyed any comment is honestly a good comment at this time!

CW!!!!!! Slight Graphic Death, talk of scars (not sh)


You woke up slowly, your first night at Junker Town was surprisingly quiet. The new ruler had definitely made a good change regarding that. It baffled you that Junker Town could actually turn around. A town like Junker Town would definitely be a challenging subject for any ruler. As you finally decide to not stay in bed you put on some clothes and figure out what you can eat for food from the shops nearby. You looked up a cafe type shop. You wanted coffee nonetheless you found a place that sold some coffee drinks.

You finished up getting ready and walked out your door and almost tripped over the carpet. You didn't realize there was a raised part of the carpet from the original floor. Thankfully no one saw you so you continued on your way.

JQ pov:

She awoke from another nightmare about her family. It was never easy to rewatch her little sister being ripped apart by feral omnics. She had lost everyone she was close to. Forced on her own before taking down Mason Howl. How much she wished she still had a part of her family and not a knife named Gracie. She missed Gracie who looked up to her along with her other siblings. Her dad has died foraging when he decided to let her sleep in for one day. He was pronounced devoid of life. That was one day Odessa felt helpless as she was the one next in line after her mother to go foraging for food throughout the Australian outback. The other day she had felt helpless was when she came home from scavenging for food for her family. Her mother was told to rest as she had sprained her ankle and sent Odessa to go look. The horror she came back to was unspeakable.

Her mother and 3 sisters were all being ripped apart and fed on by feral omnics. She watched in horror as her sister's head was crushed with one fatal blow. Popping it as if it was a small balloon. She ran away vomiting all over herself not caring but just wanting to escape. The thought of that brought her to tears and almost vomiting where she lay. She searched for Gracie, finally finding her on her nightstand.

The cool metal of Gracie was enough to calm Odessa a little bit. She thought to herself, "I need to get out of here. Walk around the town or something." She began to get out of her bed. It was covered with many blankets. Junker town was definitely not known for its tech heaters even where the queen stayed were hard to come by. At least cold and warm water were almost always available to everyone.

As the Queen began to start a shower, she looked to see a new scar on her leg from Gracie where she missed when putting the knife in its sheath. It was a few days old but still slightly tender, she stepped into the lukewarm shower. Morning showers weren't her normal but this one felt good as it made it easier to wash away the memories of her nightmare.

She finished her shower and had begun to leave her room. She hesitated as if there was something she was forgetting. She knew she wasn't, there was a hole she could never fill. Not with any amount of money, food, or sleep. She missed her family dearly. But she was a queen, she had to keep a good show on for her subjects anyway. She walked down the corridor of her castle wanting just to leave the place.

She put a cloak on to try to conceal who she was. As she stepped into the town, she took a deep breath in. The stale dry smell of Junker town in a way was comforting to the queen. She walked past a few food shops thinking she could go for a bit of coffee. She just hoped the owner would understand that she was trying to conceal who she was and didn't immediately tell everyone.

As she stepped into the shop, she saw a person who stood ordering a small coffee. She definitely seemed to be out of town. For some reason she stood out. As the queen studied her, she realized she was staring, and she took one last look at her and walked up to get something to drink.

She walked over to the girl who had sat down and begun to drink her coffee. The queen walked over to her and begun to speak, "Hey, can I sit here?"



I know I did one at the beginning, but it works better trust me.

AND I know I cut it off horribly. But its slowburn. so expect it.

may you all have a nice day

-Mc-Swaggerz <3

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