014: super badass

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"No." Carl laughed in agreement.

Rio flopped backwards onto the bed. "We're so lucky."

"Yeah." The other boy did the same. "We are."

Rio suddenly remember something, sitting up straight. He grabbed his bag, rummaging around in it until he pulled out three comic books, well graphic novels, Carl had tried to explain the difference.

"I found these two days ago? I think." Rio started, handing them over to Carl who was now sat up. "I've seen you read these ones so I tried to fit them all in my bag. There was some more I wish I could've brought them all—."

Rio watched as Carl looked over at the comics, waiting for him to say something. He didn't. He put the comics down on the bed before wrapping Rio in the tightest hug ever. He let out a laugh as the other boy mumbled "thank you" into his ear.

"You can tell me all about them when you're finished." Rio said as Carl pulled away, still smiling.

"You don't want to read them with me?"

Rio thought for a moment. "You can read them first. Then I can read them with you if you want. Only the good ones though and you'll have to explain almost everything to me."

"Yeah," Carl replied, nodding happily, "Yeah, okay."


Rio couldn't sleep that night. He wasn't sure why, maybe the bed was too soft, maybe the room was too cold. Whatever the reason, he couldn't sleep. He rolled around in the new bed, trying to ignore how it creaked under his every movement.

Reluctantly he gave in, pulling on a pair of socks and his hoodie and heading out. He opened the cell quietly hoping to make as little sound as possible. There was a small set of stairs leading to a higher platform at the end of the row, he was going to head up there.

The small light coming from Carl's room didn't go unnoticed as Rio crept outside, filling him with a weird sort of warmth. He brushed the feeling away as he jogged up the stairs, finding Daryl sat upright, fiddling with his crossbow bolts.

"Couldn't sleep?" The older man asked.

"No." He admitted, sitting down besides the man. He pulled his knees to his chest as they talked.

"Where are your shoes?"

"I took them off to sleep."

"This place is filthy. Put them back on if your walking around." Daryl told him, scuffing his shoe on the floor and kicking up dirt to prove his point.

"Yes Mom." Rio scoffed, waving the dust away as he laughed.

"Or don't." He grumbled in response. "I really don't care what happens to you."

"Yeah you do."

"Nope I don't." Daryl pushed him away teasingly. "Go back to bed."

"I don't like sleeping alone." Rio blurted out, still holding onto the man's shirt sleeve. He didn't mean for it to sound as pathetic as it did.

"Thought so." Daryl hummed. "Why don't you go share with someone, you still need to sleep."


"I ain't sleeping tonight."

"Okay." The boy sighed, getting up from his spot.

"Night kiddo." Daryl mocked.

"Oh my god. Never say that again." Rio laughed walking back to his cell. He stopped before he reached it, noticing Carl's flashlight was still on. He pushed open the cell door, closing it quietly behind him as he headed inside.

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