Chapter 2

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Ashburn said those last two words to bring a memory back to him. She knew Mic and her mother dated for a while in UA and as heroes, and she knew that would get a reaction out of him.

Mic's face went with red. He looked at Ashburn, then to Eraser and then back to Ashburn. "H... Himari... How-" Eraser's eyes go wide, "Himari... I thought you were dead... Your body was never found..."

"Sounds familiar, doesn't it? A certain other child of Endeavor?" Ashburn looked back over to Eraser.

Eraser is silent, he's stunned at the information being revealed. Mic looked over at Eraser head and then back at Ashburn, "You... You can't be serious..." All Might looked at Ashburn. "You remember what happened to Touya Todoroki?" Ashburn had a bit if a smug look on her face.
"Himari what are you implying?" All Might looks at Ashburn, his face full of disbelief.
Mic and Eraser's eyes also fill with disbelief. 

"He's still alive. Just like me, everyone thought he was dead cause his body was never found, but he's alive, and my half-brother."= 

All Might went still silent, he looked at Ashburn for a few more seconds then at Eraser and then Mic. "He's... He's alive?" Mic and Eraser looked at All Might in shock. "Very much alive." Ashburn responded with a smirk. 

Mic and Eraser both had a look of disbelief on their face. Eraser looked at her hair and then back at Ashburn, looking surprised. "But the hair?" All Might looks around confused. "Is the hair dye or what?"

"Oh it's hair dye alright. Not gonna make it easy for you heroes." Ashburn said with a laugh.
All Might and Eraser look at Ashburn with surprise and confusion.
"That's not even your real hair color!?" Eraser looks on Ashburn with disbelief.

"Nope." She managed to break a hand free and tapped her hair, activating the water part of her quirk, and squirt water through her fingers. The water rinsed some of the hair dye out, revealing her orange hair. The same color as her mother's.

"So... You are Crea's daughter." Mic looked at Ashburn with a smile. "Himari?"
"The one and only. Believe me now?" She had a smug look on her face. She truly looked exactly like her mother when she was her age.

Mic smiled at Ashburn, "You... You look exactly like her! It makes so much sense now..." Eraser looks at Ashburn, then at Mic and then back at Ashburn and nods. "Wow... It really makes sense now why you hate Endeavor... But why did he try to hide that you were his kid? And why did your hero name become Ashburn?"

"He was ashamed of me for being the result of his affair. But when my quirk came in, he wanted to train me every single day." She answered his first question, but not the one about her villain name yet.

"I can't believe it... All this time we've been looking for you, and when we find you... You're the infamous villain... Ashburn." All Might looked at Ashburn with a worried look on his face and a furrowed brow.

"Why did you choose the name Ashburn?" He asked this with a sad look on his face. 

"'Cause I can burn things to ash. I burn things. Plus, I think it sounds badass."

"I guess it does sound pretty badass." All Might looks at Ashburn with a smile on his face and his eyebrows raised. "You're really a lot like your mom"

"I am related to UA's biggest prankster after all." Ashburn responded with a smirk.

"That you are... Oh, oh god!" All Might's eyes lit up. "That's it! We can redeem you! We'll show you how to be a pro-hero or at the very least, find away to stop your reign of terror!" All Might looks at Ashburn with a smile on his face.

Ashburn was a bit worried, but she covered the expression, hiding her emotions as per usual. "Oh no, I am not being a hero."

"Oh yes, yes you will! As you may or may not know I'm now running the hero rehab program! So you're gonna be stuck with me as your guide, for better or for worst!" All Might smiled in a teasing manner.

"Dammit... There goes the freedom I worked so hard to get..." She grumbled underneath her breath.

All Might laughed. "Come on Himari! Maybe this is your second chance! Your chance at getting a second family!" All Might's expression softens as he smiles at Ashburn again.

"My second family is the league. With my brother." Ashburn's glare returned, her blue eyes piercing at All Might.

All Might's expression changed from joyful back to a serious look. "Himari, think about it! You can redeem yourself! You can redeem the Todoroki name! It's a second chance! If you become a hero like me, you can live without having to worry about if you've hurt anyone ever again!" All Might looks at Himari with his eyes full of hope.

"Heh, typical of me to put the family name to shame." She scoffed.

All Might's smile dropped and he goes back to a more serious expression. "No... Do not tell me you're siding with the League of Villains?" All Might's face was filled with disbelief. "Himari, no! That's not good! The league- they're dangerous!"

"So am I! To me, they're family, the only people who ever cared about me after my mother died."

"But... You're still... A criminal! The League of Villains are dangerous villains, you can't side with them! They are literally enemies of heroes! They hate us!" All Might's expression fills with concern and worry again.

"And so do I! I am just like them! I'm more dangerous than most of them!"

All Might's expression goes to one of horror and shock and he looked at her with wide eyes. "Himari... You can't be serious..."

"I'm the 4th most dangerous villain for a reason."

 "But we can fix that! We can change that! Himari, this is why I have the hero rehab program! For villains, there is always a choice and a chance for redemption! We can redeem you!" All Might exclaimed. 

"Try all you want, but you won't change me so easily." She glared at him again with her piercing eyes.

All Might gave Ashburn a determined look. "Himari... Believe me I know I won't change you easily. But I am not giving up. You're going to do the rehab program and you're going to redeem yourself! I'm not going to let you continue to live the villain life!"

"Ah, well, good luck with that." Ashburn said as she finished untying herself. She had been using her free hand that she released earlier to untie herself. The thick ropes fell to the ground on the side of the chair and she stood up. She tried to activate her quirk, but remembered the anklet piece that was stopping her from using her quirk. "Dammit." She went to rip the anklet off of her so she can use her quirk against them again and break out of there.

I LOVE writing this oh my god- 

I can't wait to start on rehab and her being with the 1A students~

I'm still excited to hear your suggestions for which student I should ship her with! (Ik I just published chapter 1 a few hours ago but still- I'm excited!!)

Well, see ya in chapter 3!

Ashburn (A villain rehab story with some romance)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu