Info on story

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Here we go on another story that my motivation will probably die. I really wanted to work on this story, and I decided to do it. Chapters will probably come out late as I have already started school *sigh*, so here are the characters of the story

Yutaka-senior~ Yutaka is a kind man who cares truly for his friends, especially his homies Greg, Charles, and Kira

Kira-senior~ Kira loves her best friends and family and would do anything to protect them. She is dating her beautiful gf Yunni

Greg-senior~ He was a very famous model, but he chose to leave that part of his life behind during his freshman year because he just wanted to live a normal life with his friends.

Charles-senior~ Charles is a very funny guy he's also good at parkor, and he is very strong. He was supposed to graduate last year, but he had too many missing assignments, so he has to repeat the year

Casey- Senior~ she is the new student who transferred from maliberry high school. She seems like a quiet, nice, and shy girl at first, but she isn't what she seems as she starts easily becoming friends with everyone in the school except for the people who are super close to Kira

Ann- Senior~ Ann is an Asian American who has been bullied because of her culture she manly works in photography club, but when the new student Casey joins, she is immediately kicked out of the club.

Yunni- senior~ Yunni is from a well-known family she is an amazing cook and fashion designer, Yunni is also really good with kids and dreams of having her own with her gf Kira

There are a bunch of other characters who are gonna be suppot, so here they are.







Palin-1st year in college

Henry-1st year in college

Ellie-1st year in college

Gabriel-1st year in college

Link- Senior

Kalsa- Senior

Mizut- junior



With that being said, I hope you enjoy this story

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