Everyone else stood fairly awkwardly, Bailey assuming that this was Clint's wife.

Tony looked over to Thor. "This is an agent of some kind."

Clint smiled at his wife and then at his team. "This is Laura."

Laura smiled and looked at all of the fully geared superheroes standing in her home. It was likely a hard sight to believe. "I know all of your names."

Tony did an awkward wave which Bailey giggled at.

Some small children, Clint's kids, came running into the room, hugging their father tightly. "Hi sweetheart!" He scooped his daughter into his arms. "Hi buddy!" Clint's arm wrapped around his son.

Tony was trying to make sense of it all. "These are... smaller agents."

One of the kids looked around the room. "Did you bring Auntie Nat?"

Natasha's face lit up, slowly walking towards the little girl. She opened her arms wide with a big grin.

"Why don't you hug her and find out?!"

The girl practically dove into her arms, Nat squeezing her comfortingly.

"Sorry for barging  in on you," Steve apologized.

Tony crossed his arms. "We would have called ahead but we were busy having no idea that you existed."

Clint put an arm around his son and Laura. "Well, Fury helped me set this up when I joined. Kept it off S.H.I.E.L.D.'s files. I'd like to keep it that way."

Bailey nodded. This was important to Clint. "We will."

Clint smiled gratefully. "It's a good place to lay low.

Thor looked down, realizing that he stepped on a bunch of legos. Surprisingly, he didn't have much of a reaction. Bailey was astonished. How is stepping on legos not painful for you?

Natasha went over to Laura, putting her hands gently on Laura's belly. "How's little Natasha?"

Thor kicked the legos away, Steve looking at him as if he was crazy.

Laura sighed. "She's... Nathaniel."

Natasha's smile immediately dropped. She looks disgusted, even betrayed. She leaned down to Laura's belly in a whisper, "Traitor."

Thor suddenly snapped, walking swiftly outside, Steve following him. Bailey wondered where they went to.


as Clint talked to his kids. Bailey watched them with minimal interest, stressed about this whole Ultron thing. The vision that Wanda forced Thor to have was bad enough that it caused him to leave the team.

Bailey was beginning to think Pietro was trying to protect her from the trauma. She didn't want to revisit how she got her powers, assuming that would be what her dream would be about.

She wasn't sure why she was still thinking about him. They only had two brief interactions, and he was nothing but rude to her. All he did was tease her.

Bailey was interrupted from her thoughts when the Nick Fury arrived at Clint's house.


And that's how Bailey and the others ended up somewhere in South Korea.

The large truck sped down the road, Steve hanging onto it by a thread. Ultron almost immediately spotted Steve, sending him flying as Bailey watched from afar.

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