For Wherever Love Takes Me

Start from the beginning

"Hey kiddo!" Kafei's voice came from the stairs before he was even down. Link lit up and an even bigger smile appeared on his face.

"Morning, dad!" Link said, turning to his father. The two hugged and Anju had to drag them apart just to get her husband to sit down to eat. The little family started to eat, enjoy each other's company.

"So, how does 17 feel?" Kafei asked Link.

"Um... We'll see." Link replied. He still hadn't gotten much of a taste of being older yet, all except for his first ever adventure in Hyrule. Where he was thrust into the body of a 17-year-old so abruptly.

"I do know that I need to visit the princess. Just for a little bit." Link started, making everyone a little confused. He didn't elaborate why and just continued to eat his food.

Soon, Tatl, Tael, and Navi joined them downstairs, all with their own plate to share.

"Happy birthday, Link!" Tael greeted the boy in green as he and his sister flew down the stairwell and into the kitchen. Link looked at them with his trademark smile and making them feel warm inside.

"So, how are you feeling today, Link? With the leg and all?" Navi asked. A common question which she asked every day, just with different wording. The boy in question didn't mind, as it just showed she cared.

"Yeah, we got to know if that leg is doing any better." Tatl asked.

"Never better." Link said sweetly, looking at his family. An unfelt confidence layered his words, and everyone shared quick glances before continuing their food.


Like many times before, Link walked down the dirt road towards Hyrule Castle. This time, he felt almost jovial. Ever since the end of the chaos just four days ago, an enormous weight that had been resting on his shoulders finally lifted. While his walk was still somewhat of a limp, it was less pronounced as it had been.

Link thought about why he was visiting the princess. It was for something that was long overdue. Even if she hadn't a clue why he would do it, he wanted to, just to let his conscience be at peace.

"Welcome back." One of the guards said as Link approached. He wore an amazingly gentle smile as the hero waited for the drawbridge to lower.

"Thank you. It... It won't be my last time back here." Link said after a moment, choosing his words carefully. The guard was shocked at the hero's statement, and his smile grew in intensity as the bridge paved the way for the boy to enter the castle.

As Link walked through the halls, he thought about everything that had happened. While a lot in just over a month, it was kind of fun to be back in the habit of carrying the sword around. It wasn't something he wanted to do for long, but the return felt nice.

"Link!" Zelda's voice echoed from across the corridor. Breaking out of his prolonged thought, he looked up and saw the princess.

"Zelda." Link greeted the heir of Hyrule with kindness. He held out his hand and it was eagerly shaken, a breath of wild, yet fresh air coming with it.

"It's a pleasure to see you after your... well, crusade in Gerudo Desert." Zelda chuckled, almost admiring how much Link risked just by going out to the Spirit Temple. While it was a hassle to deal with in terms of Gerudo relations, both parties eventually saw the whole event as necessary.

"Yes... I apologize for the problems. I heard it lead to some trouble." Link looked down meekly, rubbing his arm.

"A little, but it's mostly been resolved." Zelda said with assurance. She beckoned Link over to her side and the two began to leisurely stroll through the castle halls, talking about how life has been.

A Terminian and the Twilight of Danger (MM/OoT Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now