From the Fog

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Another one, coming at ya! Enjoy!

A Terminian and the Twilight of Danger
Chapter 22: From the Fog

The Goron rolled down the hill, as he usually did every morning. Rounding the corner, he knew that he was facing the entrance to Dodongo's Cavern. The hill down towards the feast was well-known to every Goron.

Suddenly, a bomb blew up right in front of the Goron, sending him out of his curled-up state and slamming right into the wall.

"Ooooh... What was that?" The Goron asked aloud, even if he thought there was no one around to hear his question.

There hadn't been something to impede his usual rolling in five years. Then, his question was answered by the gleaming tip of a shadowy sword. Blood-red eyes stared down at him, with a matching scowl just under them.

"Take us to your blacksmith." Dark Link ordered.

"Wh-What?" The Goron asked, startled.

"Did I stutter?" Dark Link barked in response, thrusting his sword forward and pricking the Goron's neck lightly.

"It'd be best to do as the boy says." A voice came from above. The Goron looked up and saw two witches perched atop of floating brooms, holding their wands. "He's hardly afraid to use his weapons."

The Goron was frozen in fear. Never had he gotten his life threatened before. He shakily got to his feet, shuddering as he felt the edge of the dark sword place itself against his back. Taking slow steps at first, he picked up his pace when the blade started to dig into the stones all along his torso.

"Come on, we haven't all day!" Kotake warned, flying lower to the ground.

The Goron whimpered, but complied. He started to take faster steps, refraining from rolling down the hill into Goron City in fear that they would think he was trying to escape.

"Kabetta? What's going on?! Who are these people?!" The Goron who always sat near the tunnel that led to Goron City noticed his friend return with company.

Before Kabetta could say anything, Dark Link pointed his sword towards the other Goron and Koume extended her wand. A quick blast of electricity shot towards the poor fellow and brought him to the ground. Now every other Goron was put on high alert.

"What in the?" One Goron shouted from below.

"Bladon? What happened to Bladon?!" Another Goron who was on the same level as Kabetta and his captors spoke up.

"Should we kill them?" Dark Link asked, turning towards his companions.

"No, no. They are simply rocks. They can do nothing." Koume stated, smirking at the growing amount of Goron's approaching. She knew just how to make sure they were kept at bay.

In no time at all, the group was surrounded by nearly every Goron in the city. All held their fists up and were prepared to fight for their brothers, but none could anticipate what they were getting themselves into. Each started to protest against the invaders. Their words were met by uncaring ears.

"SILENCE!" Koume screamed, flying up and waving her wand. She spun around and sparks went off, causing every Goron to fall to their knees. "You all are animals! Take us to your blacksmith, or be fed to the great dragon, Volvagia!"

All the hollers of protest ceased when the witch brought up the flame serpent. A layer of fear washed over every Goron, and they started to tremble. Even when the spell lifted, the terror still remained. Finally, one young, brave Goron stood.

"A-Alright... Come with me..." He said, slowly backing away from his brothers to let the invaders through. Soon enough, all four were in the presence of Medigoron, the desired blacksmith.

A Terminian and the Twilight of Danger (MM/OoT Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant