"I have the flower seeds!" Bladon said holding two of the many large sacs. Jim followed the statement by opening his bomb bag and taking one out, keeping the fuse unlit.

Link was anxious. Everything was ready. They were right there.

"Jim..." Link said to his friend. The Bomber looked his way. "When it's noon... no matter what happens, you blow it."

Jim was stunned. He wanted to object, so no to that idea. But he knew that Link wasn't going to take no for an answer. It was how it had to be. Without another word, he nodded, and the group started their way down the hill.


Dark Link strode down the halls of the temple, heart filled with merciless anticipation. He readied his sword and fantasized about how much pain those mindless puppets in the prison chambers could endure. He had a good feeling about today, and he wanted to relish in his duties. As he was making his way through the temple, he heard distant voices. Ones all too familiar. His senses peaked and he got down behind a wall to listen carefully.

"Jim, you and the first squad bomb that crawlspace so we can get to that part of the temple!" A voice ordered. That voice couldn't be mistaken. Link.

"Ah... it's time." Dark Link muttered to himself. He flinched at the sound of an explosion and turned around.

More explosions rocked the temple, and before Dark Link even met up with the witches, portals opened. From the tears in reality came the corrupted monsters from the cells. They landed with an untamed vigor, hungry for violence. Their minds, all captive to the magical sisters, had no more free will.

The squawks and grunts by the monsters could barely be heard. By the time they reached distant ears, they sounded so distorted that they were nearly incomprehensible. Racing down the musty halls, Dark Link made it back to the witches.

"Where were you?!" Koume demanded, screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Was going to give our captives some more encouragement, but then Link arrived." Dark Link snapped back at the old hag, furious. "Do you have my weapon?!"

"Yes! A replica of the imp's staff!" Kotake flew down from above and handed Dark Link the golden staff. Its luster was just as potent as the real one. The shadow gripped it with malicious intent and then ran back from where he came, ready to lead the monsters against the siege.

Pebbles fell from the ceiling after every rumble. Explosions, most likely. Dark Link wondered what on earth their p;an was. Just blow the temple to hell? That could be it, but something so straightforward was bound to have holes.

A few of the monsters appeared from portals haphazardly located in places far from the enemy. Dark Link, passing by, rounded them up and ordered them to follow. They did so with utmost obedience, unable to protest against it. The darkness was soon followed by a growing army. When the race down the dusty, orange halls stopped, he had found his target.

Link, Romani, Tatl, Ante, Flavi, Kyojin, only half Goron's, and three of the Hylian guards faced Dark Link and his troops. Both factions stood motionless for a second, their leaders eyeing the other. The Defender of Faith spotted the staff Dark Link held. A physical mockery to his friend that the darkness clutched. He scowled.

"Die!" Dark Link screamed, pointing the staff towards the small army. The beasts all hollered their own cries and dashed towards the heroes.

Fighting broke out. Some of the monsters purposely stayed back and waited for some of the Hylians to approach instead. From there, they took the fights down the winding halls. Soon enough, only a few were left in the room they had met in. Link, Romani, Flavi, and four Goron's.

A Terminian and the Twilight of Danger (MM/OoT Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now