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When she sees you for the first time after being kidnapped by A for a couple weeks

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When she sees you for the first time after being kidnapped by A for a couple weeks.

Everyone thought you were dead, but when Aria got a call from Spencer to come to her house ASAP.

"What is happening?" Aria asked as she ran towards the girls.

Spencer smiled at her with tears streaming down het face and pointed at the ambulance.

Aria looked at the ambulance and she saw her girlfriend. Tears filled her eyes and her mouth fell open. ( GIF )

"Aria." You said softly when you saw her. You ripped out your IV and stumbled over to your girlfriend.

"Baby." She sighed out in relief as she ran towards you. "You're okay." She whispered and hugged you.

"I was so scared." You whispered back, she pulls away and caressed your bruised cheek.

"You're safe now." Aria smiles softly.

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