A Surprise Festival

Start from the beginning

"You and he share this room?" I asked, standing near the flap awkwardly.

She shook her head. "We did, but he is grown now and has a room of his own. But that does not seem to stop him from leaving his things all over the place." She sighed. "Boys."

I chuckled and watched as she pulled open a drawer at the bottom of her dresser. Brixie pulled out an ornately decorated wooden box. It was of some sort of light colored wood and had a small, golden latch. She stood and brought it over to the bed, waving me over at the same time. As I approached she unlatched the lid and lifted it, revealing some kind of iridescent copper colored fabric within.

Brixie reached in and pulled out the silky fabric and held it up to the sun light streaming in through the window. "Its beautiful." I said as the fox lady looked at it fondly.

"Yes." She said with a smile. "It is made from a silk only made by the moths that live deep in the mountains. Before Aeros abandoned us it was rare but obtainable. Now, with the goblins refusing any sort of trade with us, it is all but impossible to get. But once upon a time there were many of these about. This was my bonding shawl when I took Ozzie's father to be my mate... He died in a goblin attack when Ozzie was very young."

"I'm sorry..." I said truthfully. I never even had a boyfriend to loose, much less a husband. I could only imagine the pain that loss must have caused the strong willed woman standing before me.

Brixie shook her head, flashing me a sad smile. "It is the way of this world. He left me a very stubborn and willful son before he passed, so I am very grateful. Now... Now I would like to give this to you."

I was shocked. "No. you just said it was rare... and your wedding dress too! I couldn't possibly-"

"It is tradition for a mother to pass this on to her daughter, usually during a monumental point in her life. I have no daughter, and will have none either. It would be wasted here, in this box, collecting dust till I pass on and Ozzie sells it to another woman so that he may provide for his future young. Please, I wish you to have it." She held out the cloth and I hesitated a second before taking it. I assumed it was to be worn similar to a kimono back on earth as it looked mostly like a thin, shimmery blanket. "On a foxkin it is meant to be quite long, trialing on the ground. On you I think it will be about knee height. Better than that sheath you are wearing now at least. And much more fitting for a land god."

I swallowed hard, not entirely comfortable with that title even if I was beginning to accept the truth of it. But, mostly what I felt right now was gratitude. I got to my knees so that I was on eye level with the foxkin and culched the fabric tightly. "Thank you." I said, and felt my eyes begin to burn.

A kind and gentle expression crossed Brixie's foxy face. She raised a paw and wiped a tear off my cheek. "I have only heard a little of what your life was like before coming here Lady Enna, but I can tell that you have lived a difficult one. In a moment, you will be sitting In front of a bunch of fuddery old foxkin, all of them flustered and hoping to sway you in one way or another. I understand you do not know anything about the job thrust upon you, just know that you do have allies here. I see your kind heart."

Tears flowed freely but I did not sob like a baby as I wanted to. That was just too embarrassing. The truth was that, except when I was very small, I never received any gifts. maybe my family, and what few friends I had- mostly hospital staff- did not see the point in getting anything for a woman who could not even move. What use would I get from anything they might give me? but, it was a lonely thing, knowing that I was not thought of, even in that simplest of ways.

"Hush now." Brixie chuckled. "I agree, you need some color in that pale complexion, but red and splotchy is not flattering on much of anyone. let us get you presentable, then we will settle in for tea, yes?"

Enna is a Land God: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now