"I know right!" He huffed as I stood up, taking a step closer. "Lucy just told me they said they want to eat with us tonight."

"Wow. Such caring parents." I rolled my eyes, picking up my phone from my bed. As I did that, I saw a notification which informed me of a new text from Xavier.


Andrew chuckled. "If we could even call them that."

"Did you just quote Rapunzel or something?" I said with a smirk.

"Since when did I watch Rapunzel?"

"Oh I don't know...ever since I forced you to rewatch Tangled with me sometime this week." He grinned at me, entering the room to hook our arms together.

As we quietly made jokes about the whole thing, I was reminded of how Andrew, my brother, is all I need.

We both descended the stairs slowly, wanting nothing but to delay this dinner as much as we can. I and Andrew sat across from each other, while my parents sat on each head of the table. When the servers arrived with our food, I took my time. If I finish first, I'd be just sitting, awkward because there'd be nothing else to do.

Andrew noticed this, because he decided it was best to copy me.

Good choice, brother.

No one said anything for a while, the tension growing thicker each minute.

"So how has it been?" Mom asked slowly.

"Ok." I said.

"Good." Andrew commented.

"That's good. We just..." my mom drew out.

"We want to apologize for being so absent in your life..." dad completed.

Oh wow! An apology will let us go back in time and make them become actual parents!

I shrugged, locking eyes with Andrew for a second before I looked back down at my food. My food that I'd be enjoying so much more if I wasn't sitting with them.

"We will try our best to be there for you. The business just got in the way and..."

"And also you and mom hav-"

I kicked Andrew's leg discreetly, making him glare at him. The grip on my fork tightened as dad looked at him curiously.

"What is it son?" Dad asked with an edge in his tone.

"Nothing." He grumbled.

"Hmm. We just wanted to apologize, we should've been better parents all these years instead of leaving you guys to yourselves." Mom started. "We were thinking we could all go shopping this weekend?"

"Busy." I and Andrew said at the same time.

"And I have a lot of clothes already. I can also just make them myself."

Mom gasped. "You can make clothes? Honey that's an amazing talent!"

"Yeah." I muttered.

"Are you just making for yourself ?" Dad asked.

"For now."

"What about you Andrew?"


"Andrew is an amazing singer." I exposed him. I knew he wouldn't want to tell them, but if I did then he has to too. He kicked me.

What a good thank you brother.

"Would you like to sing for us?" Dad asked very amused.

"I'll choke."

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