Came to give

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Warning: Graphic Animal Death Scene and Tom's enjoyment to it.
Wanted to see Harry's response and Tom's inner thoughts. Difficult chapter to write coherently though. But wanted to upload it anyway.

Mrs Cole tried to throw off the suspicion, but Tom knew the truth. It was in Billy's arrogant smile, every time he passed Tom to class- like he had won something. It was in the way the boys gossiped and whispered and shared small grins with each other. Harry was still held up in the infirmary. Tom knew he had to strike while the iron was hot, lest they thought they could get away with it. He had to make sure his message was clear to Billy and all the boys. That no one messed with Tom. Or his Harry.

Tom waited until it was late at night to start his plan. While everyone was deep asleep, Tom had tiptoed to Billy's room and took his small cage with his new pet rabbit. Billy was among the last of the group to have been adopted this summer. Tom couldn't believe his ears- a family wanted him. No one wanted him.

It was probably why Billy was so bold to make his move on Harry, knowing he had a mother and father to go home to. He was in the period of getting to know them, for the tedious case files to settle and court proceedings to be completed. To phase into their lives slowly, some messed up way to make the orphaned boys wait longer before they could leave the dreaded place. Tom couldn't believe any smart or sane pair of adults would think of accepting Billy as their own but accepted him they had. Even giving him a white fluffy pet rabbit. Something Billy had shown off to everyone, crooning on for days and days, obviously delirious at being showered with love from his promised family.

People like Billy didn't deserve gifts, Tom thought indignantly, they only deserve... reminders.

And Tom will make sure Billy remembered, even gone from the Orphanage, a hefty reminder to the rest of his crew too- that no one can hurt Harry, and get away with it.

He had planned everything perfectly. He couldn't hurt any of the boys, not physically, or use his ability directly on them, Harry would be upset. And Tom didn't want Harry upset, he wanted Harry avenged. It was better this way anyway. Imagining the horror on the horrid boy's face when he would wake up and see what had happened to his beloved pet rabbit. What you do to mine, I do to yours, but worst. Tom thought sinisterly. Tiptoeing to Billy's room, and picking up the cage with the white rabbit, huddled in its mesh-like the ball of fur it was.

" Where are you? I need your help !" Tom hissed, and four snakes slithered out of the bushes. He was in the clearing where they usually played. Using instinct to sense them close. Tom couldn't see their colour, but he could hear the bush leaves rustle. He lowered the cage.

" Whatsss isss it oh speaking oneeee ?" one of the snake hissed.

Tom folded his legs so he would sit in a prostrating position, his shoulders straight, he wanted to watch everything clearly.

" I brought you prey to kill. " He hissed, a cruel smile formed. He opened the lid, his hands snatched the white rabbit harshly on its head. Asleep, caught by surprise, thrashing its little legs in his hand. Tom held his palm on its chest, feeling its heartbeat frantic and wild. Careful not to let the animal bite him, he loosened his hole, almost daring the rabbit to escape its fate.

It hoped out of his hands on instinct.

One of the snakes, head raised, took one quick strike to stop it, jaws on its feet. Then the other three slithered to its small white furred limbs, each coiling and tightening. There was a desperate squeak, an attempt at a futile escape until all the snakes had wrapped the pet fully, tightening their grip.

Tom watched in awed fascination, at the weak creature's pathetic struggle, as the eyes bulged out of its sockets, the ears twitched in agitation, arms and legs locked and the last breath left the small creature.

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