(Halloween special) Teutonic Order x ?? Reader: The masquerade party

Start from the beginning

"Oh!- forgot about that, I actually don't have one.."

"Oh, that does not matter, there are many girls there that probably does not have someone to dance with, why don't you go and ask one of them?" He told me, and I nodded.

"I guess that is the best option for now, I should go now, see you later!" I waved at Holy Roman Empire before leaving.

"See you later Teutonic Order" Holy Roman Empire said waving at me too, seeing me leave.

I left with the objective to find someone to ask for a dance, I looked around the party but most of the girls seemed to already have someone, but I didn't give up. I went to many girls who seemed to be alone but all of them said they already had someone, making me frustrated and tired.

In the other hand, I saw someone who really seemed to have no partner, so I quickly went to her without bumping into someone. I approached her, a little exhausted. She had a long lustrous red hair and I liked her dress and mask, good looking partner for a dance right?

"Ma'am? Do you by chance not have someone for the dance?" I asked her nicely.

"Umm" She looked at me with a disgusted face, up and down, which made me a bit worried.

"Is there...... something wrong?" I asked, was I ugly or do I have something on my costume??

"Well, I already have someone, not like you, looser" As soon as she said the last words, it made me a little mad but I had some patience.

"That was a little disrespectful for a lady like you, you know you could have just told me that you have someone and that's it"

"You can't tell me what to do out of nowhere" She rolled her eyes.

"I wasn't telling you what to do, i was just giving you some advice on how to be more respectful to other people, learn the difference"

"Yeah yeah, blablabla, say all what you want, you're still a looser for not having a partner"

"That is why I asked you nicely earlier, what else would I be asking you then? But forget about it, I do not want to make a scene here, I shall leave now" I then left, as the girl was quiet not saying anything.

I sighed as I left, feeling like giving up, the dance already started and people were starting to go to the centre and dance a slow dance, but then I noticed someone going down the stairs, like she just arrived to the party, she had a (dress/colour) dress and had (hair/length) (hair/colour) Hair, she looked fabulous..

Nobody noticed her, maybe because they were too busy to take a glance at her? Who cares, she has to be my partner, and she looks like she's alone, this was my chance.

I tried to approach her as fast as possible, and then....our eyes met. We made eye contact for some seconds until I then asked her.

"Care to dance with me?" I asked her, as I reached my hand to her and my other hand was placed on my chest.

"It would be a pleasure to" She said, as she placed her delicate hand on top of mine.

I smiled, and took her hand, gently taking her to the centre of the dance, as we slowly started to dance, my hand on her waist and the other hand holding her hand while she had her hand placed on my shoulder. We danced to the rhythm of the song, she danced very well and she didn't trip.

As the song kept playing, we slowly started to get closer to each other, as our eyes, were making eye contact with each other.

My breath got heavier and heavier, my heart started beating faster than usual, as I kept looking at her.

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