Chapter 12 ''Happily, after all''

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-next morning-

Daniel knocked on Fabio's room, he opened the door

Daniel ''Mate, why didnt u answer your phone! We were worried! What the hell happend last night?'' they go inside the room

Fabio ''Dont act like you dont know what happend last night Daniel''

Daniel ''Ok, maybe i know ok? but i need you to tell me your part of the story, i want to know what you are thinking Fabio''

Fabio is little angry ''You want to know what im thinking rn?''  Daniel nods ''So one of my best friends, have been lying to me for years about Y/n, when he knew everything about her, then i found out Heidi also knew about her, but she didnt knew she had a child, and you found out the other and didnt dare to say anything to me! AND THE WORST PART IS, THAT MARC IS THE FATHER, YOU KNOW THAT DANIEL?'' 

Daniel is in shock ''Woah there mate! Who told you Marc is the father?!''

Fabio ''I didnt have anyone to tell me, I just put how Marc knew everything about her, and how he helped her back then-''

Daniel ''I think you took it too far Fabio-''

-someone knocked on the door, Fabio went to open the door-

Fabio ''Oh, its just you Heidi, come in, what are you holding?''

Heidi ''Hi, i dont know, i found it in front of the door'' they look confused at her

Daniel ''Well, there is only one way to know what its inside of it'' Fabio nods and Heidi opens the box

Heidi ''So there is a camera, a letter and i- Oh my-''

Daniel ''What??'' he then looks inside the box to see a pregnancy test

Fabio who was packing his bag, stopped and looked at them ''What else is in there?''

Daniel ''I think you have to see this, this box, is about you''

Fabio walked over to the box and picked the things that were inside, then he saw the test

Heidi ''Fabio, those are Y/n's-''

Fabio ''Why the fuck would she send me this?!'' going to put the box in the trash-


Fabio stopped on his track ''What?''

Daniel ''Read the letter Fabio'' and with that Daniel & Heidi left the room

Letter :

Dear Fabio,If you are reading this that means i finaly made the decision to tell you this importan news, that changed my life. Yes, i have a daughter, her full name is Jules Daisy Leclerc, but she is not only my daughter, she is also yours. God, you're so stupid to think that Marc was the father, Marc is like my big brother to me, he helped me the way no one did, why couldnt you sit down and talk with me last night? was it that hard?... 

The pregnancy test it was when i found 4 years ago that i was pregnant, didnt u ever wonder why did i come to that hotel room back then? I was coming there to tell you that i was pregnant, but i saw other things first. I didnt want to hide this from you, but i had to... i was going to give up on this baby if it wasnt for my family. Your father knows about this, he came visited me when i gave birth, i told him to not tell you anything, but i found out that he showed you a photo of when our baby was born and he told you like 'hey, look at this beautiful baby one of my friends daughter birthed' lol. On the camera there is alot of stuff you need to see, her first steps, her first words, her first everything... 

Brutal Hearts ! y/n x fabio quartararoWhere stories live. Discover now