Chapter 5 ''-What are you doing here? -Me, or you Y/N?''

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-At the coffee shop-

Fabio ''So, how come you're in Andorra? Or are you here in general?''

Y/N ''No, i came to Andorra 1 year ago with Anastasia'' she looks at his eyes, she missed them..

Fabio ''Ah okay... why did you leave Y/N..? why did u leave without letting me explain what happend that night?''

Y/n ''... i needed space ok?''

Fabio ''4 years Y/N? 4-fucking-long years you needed space?'' they both started having tears in their eyes

Y/n ''How long i was gone is none of your business ok? that's mine-''

Fabio ''You dont know how sad or heartbroken i was Y/n..''

Y/n ''You dont know how i was, when i found you two together Fabio''

Fabio ''Look- im pretty sure Charles told you that Charlotte did all of that-''

Y/n ''He did told me about it'' she crossed her arms

Fabio ''Then you know, its not my fault-''

Y/n ''But i dont believe it'' she harshly said

(Charlotte was so jealous of the couple bc hers and Charles relationship wasnt like that, so she wanted to do something so that Y/n could feel sadness,pain)

Fabio ''... why?''

Y/n sighs ''Fabio, what are you doing here?''

Fabio ''Me, or you Y/n?''

Y/n just stared at him ''I dont understand why i accepted to come with you for a 'coffee' ''

Fabio and Y/n then started fighting, after a few minutes Y/n got up and left the coffee shop and went back to her house and Fabio went to Daniel's rent house.

Y/n once inside the house yelled ''IM HOMEEEEEE'' and Jules run up to her and hug her

Jules ''Mama, why did u leave ?''

Y/n ''Well honey, your mom found an old friend that wanted to grab a coffee with me''

Marc ''What 'old friend'?'' looks at her worried & hugs her

Jules ''Mom, i want to show you what uncle Marc got me!!'' grabs Y/n's hands

Y/n ''I will tell you later'' and starts to follow Jules

Jules ''Ta-dah!!!'' laughs and holds up a honda racing suit

Brutal Hearts ! y/n x fabio quartararoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora