Chapter 1 ''Introduction''

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~ Y/N Leclerc ~

Y/n is the sister of the famous F1 Ferrari driver Charles Leclerc and DAMS F2 driver Arthur Leclerc. She is 24 years old, born in January 9 1999,she has long blonde hair and beautiful brown eyes. Y/n unlike her brothers, Arthur & Charles, didnt want to drive karts, she wanted to become a singer and write her own music, her parents allowed her to pursue her dream and were really supportive of her. She can play the piano and the guitar. Y/n also likes to dj & stream on twitch with her friends.

~ Pascale ~

Pascale is the mother of Lorenzo,Charles,Y/n & Arthur. She is an awsome woman :)

~ Charles Leclerc ~

Charles Leclerc is an F1 driver who drives for Ferrari, he was born on 16 oct of 1997. He plays the piano, he really likes Y/N's music, he is also very supportive of her, he even helped her with the piano when she first started to learn.

~ Arthur Leclerc ~

Arthur is the younger sibling he drives for DAMS in F2, he was born on 14 Oct of 2000 and he can also play the piano.

~ Lorenzo Leclerc ~

Lorenzo is the oldest out of all of them , he was born on Nov 7 of 1996, he is not a racer as he is Charles' and Arthur's manager. He is an over protective brother towards his siblings especially his little sister Y/n. They all adore and love him very much, they can always talk to him when in need.

~ Anastasia ~

Anastasia is Y/n's best friend, she is from Greece and she was born on 30 June of 1999. They met at a very young age at the beach when Y/N and her family visited Greece . Anastasia is also a singer, she and Y/N have written many songs together. Anastasia is blonde with green eyes. She plays piano,guitar,bass & violin. She also streams on twitch with Y/n & their friends.

~ Carolina ~

Carolina is Anastasia's cousin,she was born on 14 June of 2000. Anastasia introduced Carolina and Y/n and they've been friends ever since. She is a very famous streamer on twitch.

~ Daniel Ricciardo ~

Daniel is also an F1 driver, he was born on July 1 1991. He is Heidi's boyfriend, he is close to the Leclerc family.

~ Heidi ~

Heidi was born on April 4 1996 and she is Daniels girlfriend, she is a actor.

~ Marc Marquez ~

Marc Marquez is a Motogp rider, he drives for Honda and he was born on February 17 1993, he is also Y/Ns & Fabio's friend.

~ Fabio Quartararo ~

Fabio is a Motogp rider who drives for Yamaha, he is from France and was born on 20 April 1999, his nickname is 'El Diablo' and he is Y/N love interest.

~ A/N ~

New story, who dis?, i just want to thanks my friends for helping me with grammar, english is not my first language soo yea :)

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