Chapter 18: Bravo Rani

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Jabari slowly closed the cubs eyes. He watched the poor cub on the ground and had to force himself not to cry.

Rani slowly walked up behind him, "You didn't have a choice. He knew what he was signing up for."

Jabari abruptly stood up, "We're done here."

"We haven't even scratched the surface," Rani replied. "Amirah is still out there."

Jabari sighed in anger, "Do you not understand! I am apart of this now! The next family who get a message that their cub isn't coming home I...I don't even know where to go. Do we just leave him here?"

Rani growled quietly, "You've always been apart of this! You just never had to look it in the eye! One dead cub? There's hundreds more where he came from thanks to Amirah! And thanks to lions like you, who stuff their heads in the dirt!"

"This is over," Jabari replied.

Rani snarled, "Not for me." She unsheathed her claws and dug them into the ground, the gems on her arms glowing.

Jabari glared at her, "Take those off."

Rani returned to glare, "Make me."

Jabari got ready to fight, "I can't let you leave with those gems."

"Then I guess you're going to have to kill another lion," Rani got into a fighting stance, the gems lighting up and turning her veins blue.

Jabari was about to fight, but sighed and walked away. He turned back briefly, "You won't make it alone." Then he continued walking.

Rani watched him leave, hatred in her eyes. She slowly walked over to the cub on the ground. She sighed then turned her gaze to the shine. It was kept behind a stone wall, but the brightness of the liquid could be seen through it.

Rani's eye's flared with anger. She approached the wall quickly. She punched the wall hard, and the shine came pouring out.

Amirah stared at the destruction of the wall. The shine was all over the ground, useless now.

Zena looked around, "It's been a while since King Zako's pride has gotten this bold."

"Say what you want about Kanu. He had his uses," Amirah replied, still staring at the shattered wall.

"Too bad Plague didn't think so," Zena chuckled to herself.

Amirah growled quietly, "We'll get another lion to help me with keeping King Zako's pride in line."

A lioness snarled, "You didn't do anything about the piece of shit who murdered my son! Let me guess: Plague will take care of it! Just like he's been taking care of everything else!"

Amirah remained calm, "We all mourn the death of your son, Tiki. At least we all know that he died fighting for a cause instead of some petty personal dispute that so often occurs here."

Zym chuckled and watched.

"You're one to talk about sacrificing for the cause. Where is Plague anyway!" Tiki snarled.

Amirah glared at her and spoke to Zena, "Help her with the body." She walked off.

Zena turned to Zym, who smirked at her and gave her a knowing glare. Zena remembered their conversation the day before. She turned back to Tiki to help her with her cub.

Amirah sat in her den, staring at more paintings, trying to find answers. She heard lions walking in, "I'm busy."

They continued walking in. Zena stood behind her, while Zym was in front of her and Tiki was behind Zym.

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