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Chapter 51

This is Wu, why does his expression look so strange? And he was still wearing the clothes of a high school teacher. Did he become a teacher after graduation?

A-Liao put away the folded sleeves and put them back into the space, then walked towards him and explained, "Wu, I'm—"

"You don't need to say it, I understand." Gojo Satoru said with a deep expression, "How old am I this year, and what grade am I in?"

Arrow: ""

Satoru definitely misunderstood, so what did he misunderstand? A'lue was a little curious, so he followed him calmly and said, "I'm 15 this year, and I'm in the second grade."

Gojo Satoru sighed, raised his hand and rubbed his chin to think about life.

Sure enough, he is a minor, and the second grade means at least two years before entering school, so at least he is at least 12 years younger than him? So he knows what's the use in advance, and then breaks the lower limit?

What the hell was he thinking, Ah Lue raised his head to look at him without any trace, his expression was too rich, and Wu Future must have grown too tall! But the appearance hasn't changed much. It doesn't look like a 26-year-old boy. Are boys so mature?

"How old is Wu this year?"

The guilty Gojo Satoru froze, he said nonchalantly, "This year is 2016~"

A'lue clicked his tongue in displeasure, and it was ten years later as expected at the beginning, but he realized that this guy is so young at 26! But when she got here, she also vaguely noticed the problem. After throwing an identification technique, it turned out that the loyalty value was only 80.

So this is a parallel time and space, Gojo Satoru who doesn't know her.

In principle, the function of the ten-year bazooka should be ten years after traveling to this world. Will go to the parallel world probably because the other half of the bazooka is here? After the fusion, the two worlds that should not be connected will be separated.

So it's one session at a time.

"Wujo-sensei, who is this?"

This appellation was fresh enough, and Alio searched for the sound and looked over.

It was two people who had just packed their things nearby and walked over. A man and a woman were both wearing high school uniforms, and they should be Wu's students.

The one who spoke was the red-haired boy, who should have looked disheartened after finishing the task, but he was full of energy. He stood beside Wu with a curious expression and clean eyes.

"Is teacher a new classmate?" The girl with long dark brown hair stood shyly behind the boy. Although she was shy, she smiled at her to express her kindness.

Enlightenment's students seemed to have good personalities, and Ao Lue also bent his lips and smiled at them.

"Teacher?" Seeing that Gojo Satoru hadn't answered, the boy stretched out his hand in front of him in confusion.

"Hey, don't you know them?" Gojo Satoru came back to his senses and said with a smile, "This is my beloved student Tomohisa and Aiko-chan, who are in the second grade this year."

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