Chapter six

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Regulus felt his anger bubble within his chest. The feeling of pure irritation and frustration with no way to release the feeling. The constant popping feeling banged against his chest as the day continued.

The students chatter was a constant whisper as they talked about the feast. No matter how many house points were taken, the students continued to talk over the professors. Professor Killhorn, the division teacher, never seemed to notice what the students did in her class. She was in her own realm. Most called her the crazy lady just because that was what she was.

"Fellow witches and wizards," she announced with a crooked smile, showing her crooked and chipped yellow teeth to the class, "today we're doing tessomancy." She slowly strolled towards one of the Ravenclaw tables, grabbing the tea cup, "The act of reading your future through tea leaves." She began to explain the process of reading the leaves and the importance of the readings.

The more she went on about the readings, the easier it became for Regulus to muffle her voice. focusing on the notebook in front of him. He watched as his Quill danced across the page, letting his bubbling frustration out as the page filled with life. He felt his anger start to fade the more he spent on the simple drawing. He felt himself relax, and his breathing shallow. The muffled voices in the background helped him ground himself and stay centered.

The muffled voices grew louder, and Regulus was nudged in the arm, his hand slipping and the ink scraping across his art. The sudden shift brought all of Regulus' feelings back to the surface. The popping irritation in his chest with no outlet. The pounding thoughts in his head fueled his chest, only making him feel more overwhelmed and upset. Regulus turned and glared at Evan. His jaw clenched; if he could, Evan would have been inflamed by the glare.

"We're starting the readings," Evan explained, pushing the tea flakes and water towards Regulus with a look of 'pay attention, dimwit, or you'll be the one paying for it.'

Regulus sighed, making eye contact with Evan and silently asking him to show him what they were supposed to be doing. To which Evan agreed with an eye roll before showing him exactly what to do. Evan lifted the cup up to his mouth, taking a sip, which Regulus was reluctant to follow. Once he did, he scrunched his face up in disgust. "What type of tea is this?" he asked irritated, pushing the cup away.

Evan laughed at his friend. Regulus was always one to be picky and only expect the finest of things. He was not a simple man to please. "It's plain loose black tea; it's the best for beginners," he stated, taking another sip of his tea, "which you'd know if you weren't preoccupied with that hobby of yours."

Regulus ignored the comment. "Drink mine too," he stated, gently pushing his tea cup towards Evan.

Evan knew this was the closest he would get to asking someone to do something for him. He wasn't raised in an eager-to-help household. Everything was demanded, not asked. Usually he would refuse and tell Regulus to ask properly, but he could tell today was one of Regulus' bad days. They seemed to be happening more frequently. "Only for you, my lord," he joked, trying to lighten the mood, but he was met with a blank stare from Regulus before he turned back to his notebook. Flipping the page to draw some more.

The next 10 minutes, the two sat together in silence, Evan listening to the other students chatter about the tournament. Alright, Regulus, now just look at the tea leaves and spot out the pictures," he explained, passing the cup back. "There is a chart in the center; use that to help."

Regulus just hummed before looking into the cup. He started into it with his eyebrows furrowed. It was just tea leaves splattered around, nothing more; he could see whatever photo he was supposed to be seeing and questioned if this was even real.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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