13. Thanks, I hate it.

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"umm maybe we should check the car now, its getting late"

"ah yess we should."

Wearing our shoes we walk towards the car.

The rain was now light, the street damp reflecting the soft glow of the sun like shimmering mirrors.

The scent of earth fills the air, rejuvenated by the refreshment of the rain, creating feeling of renewal and tranquillity.

The occasional car passing by, the sound of tires splashing water is creating ripples in the puddles, like tiny dancing waves. It's oddly soothing.

Looking at the the light rain falling a silly though crosses my mind.

Bringing my tongue out I try to catch the rain.

I laugh a bit at my stupid intrusive thought as I Lick the rain from my lips.

Glancing at Arhaan I find him staring at my mouth.

Is he-

No. Nope. Absolutely not.

I turn and start to walk again, forgetting the absurd thought about Arhaan wanting to do stupid things to my mouth. Which definitely doesn't include kissing.

No. I can never imagine him doing that. That's just disgusting. Absolutely NO.

But the heat that I feel burning my cheeks makes me a little doubtful about that.

After reaching towards the car, Arhaan looks where the problem is.

He is wearing a white shirt which is rolled up from his arms. His tattoos are visible. His shirt was clenched on his body due to the rain, I could see the outline of his abs from here, and I swear they are more then 6.

Holy shit. HOLY SHIT.

Wait why am I even looking?

Diverting my eyes from his highly developed abdominal muscles.

I look upwards to see his hair damped covering his forehead, there are softly waved from the corner, water dripping from the ends. Rainwater is kissing his face, trickling down from the corner of his jaw.

Heat rushes in my whole body making me feel all tingly.

W-what was that?


"Its fixed" Arhaan says looking at me from the corner of his eyes.

"umm cool, yeah we should go now. I mean we don't want to get late now. Right? Right. We should go"

"Inayah are you alright you look at little red?"

"whats wrong with me? Nothing . absolutely nothing. Specially not you"

Oh shit.

"OKEYY" He says scanning my face.

Getting in car, we start moving. And I swear to god I am not thinking about his abs.

I scoff , why would I do that?

That's absolutely disgusting.

 Crushed Chimere Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat