Chapter 10: White City Case pt.1

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*The next day, Emily comes over to Marin's dorm room and knocks on the door.*

Emily: Are you ready for the investigation? It's time to solve this mystery. *Emily has her jacket on and she's holding the flyer that Marin picked out from the job board.*

Marin: Yeah I am, hmm but why do I feel like you have a hidden intention for helping

Emily looks up at Marin with a slight blush on her face.

Emily: I... I mean... I... Well... I... I mean you might have a point.

There's a slight blush on her face as she looks down at the ground.

Marin: Why are you red? are you sick? *Marin says worried*

Emily: Well, to be honest with you, I'm not sick.

There's a slight tone of embarrassment and shyness in Emily's voice as she says this. She's never good at lying and hiding her emotions.

Emily: Well, I mean, I'm not sick, but... Well, I'm a little... *Emily quickly covers her mouth.*

Marin: Ehhh *I say confused while tilting my head with a confused look*

Emily: I... I... Never-mind. I'll just... Come on, let's go and investigate the case. *Emily seems a little embarrassed as she looks down, trying to hide her red face.*

Marin: Uhm okay then let's go *she says as she takes Emily's hand and drags her to the crime scene*

Emily just follows along as her face still has that slight blush. Her face is slowly turning back to normal.

Emily: It's not that far away, just a 10 minute walk.

Marin: This is fun being with someone you care about, solving a mystery together *she says as they walk together while holding hands*

Emily: Yes, it really is. We get to spend time together and test out our skills at the same time. It's kind of amazing.

She seems to enjoy herself walking alongside Marin holding her hand as she talks.

Marin: So what's your family like all you told me was that you were abit rich like how rich

Emily: My family? Well, my father is the CEO of a big business corporation. We've got money, but he doesn't like to flaunt it around all that much. My father taught me to be a humble person, which I'm grateful for. However, we're definitely not poor. We have quite a big house, we live comfortably. We are definitely well off.

*Emily's eyes seem to brighten up at the question about her family.*

Marin: Wow so that means you are very rich so that's why you insisted on paying the bill at the cafe before

Emily: Haha, yeah. Well it doesn't really matter to me if I pay the bill or you pay. You're my friend, so I don't mind paying, just don't mind me doing that. *Emily's eyes look at Marin and there's a smile back on her face.*

Marin: So do you have any siblings?

Emily:;Yeah, I do have a sister. She's 3 years younger than me, her name is Sarah. We don't fight a lot and we're generally close to each other. *Emily's eyes seem to glow as she talks about her sibling.*

Marin: That's sweet it would be nice having a family like that......

Emily: Oh... I'm sorry for mentioning my family, I didn't intend to hurt your feelings. I just thought it was a casual question.

Emily looks down as she seems to feel bad for mentioning her family, she seems to not know what to do.

Marin: It's fine I'm used to it already being alone as an orphan *she says with a bittersweet smile on her face*

Emily: You know Marin, I've heard about your situation and I want to say that I'm here for you. You're not alone, I'm here with you.

Emily hugs Marin tightly as she notices the slight pain behind her smile. Emily pulls her close to her as she consoles her and she lets her cry on her shoulder. She feel her embrace, it's comforting, as she gently rubs her back to try and calm Marin down.

Emily: Don't worry about it. If you want to talk to me, I'm here for you. That's what friends are supposed to do. *Emily gives Marin a warm smile as she holds her.*

Marin: Thanks I needed that *Marin says as she wipes her tears and goes back to her joyful self*

Emily, "You're welcome Marin, and let's go now."

*Emily happily holds Marin's hand as they both run to the crime scene together. Emily seems to be enjoying herself as she holds her hand while they both run to the crime scene.*

Emily: I'm having so much fun right when I'm with you, you're so sweet.

Marin: We look like a couple when we hold hands like this *she says innocently*

Emily: Ha ha. We do seem like a couple when we hold hands like this but that's all it is, just us having fun together as friends.

Emily looks over at Marin as she blushes from her comment. She knows she mean nothing by it, but she is still a little flustered by the thought of acting like a couple.

They then stop at the crime scene.

Emily: We're here. I guess we'd better start the investigation.

Marin: Let's ask the officer for details about the crime

Emily: 0We can do that.

*Emily takes Marin's hand and walks with her to one of the police officers standing behind the tape cordoning off the crime scene.*

Emily: Hello sir, can you tell us any information you may know about this case?

Police Officer: Hello ladies. I don't know too much about this case yet, but what I can tell you is that this person was shot in the early morning, just a couple minutes after midnight.

Emily: Ok, thanks sir, does anything else stand out to you from the crime scene?

Marin: Yeah and was there any sort of possible clues left behind like fingerprints or the type of weapon used

Police Officer: No, no fingerprints or traces of the weapon used. It seems like whoever did this used gloves and was careful in their handling of the body.

The officer takes out a case folder and hands it over to Emily.

Police Officer: In there I've compiled all the information we currently know about the case.

Emily: Thanks sir. *Emily starts reading through the folder.*

Marin: Hmm could you check any nearby gun shops if anyone bought a gun like that recently or check records on anyone who owns a gun like that

Police Officer: Yeah of course. As this is still an open case, I'll have to investigate who bought a gun like that recently.

The police officer makes a note on their notepad and starts writing something down. Emily continues to scan the file folder, taking a mental note of the information given and thinking about what she already knows about the case.

Marin: Hey Emily show me what's in the folder

Emily: Yeah, sure.

Emily hands over the folder to Marin, it reads:
"White City Murder - Victim: Unknown - Suspect: Unknown - Cause Of Death: Gunshot wounds - Suspected Motives: Unknown."

Emily: So, we don't have a lot yet, we'll just need to do more investigating to fully build our case. As we continue, our case will get stronger.

Police Officer: It most likely does, we just need to wait for the coroner to arrive then he can tell us about the possible time of death.

Police Officer: Anyway, if you two don't have any more questions, then you both can leave the crime scene. I'll let you know if I or my department discovers anything else

Emily: Ok, that's fine with us, thank you for the help sir.

Emily politely bows her head at the officer, while Marin continues to scan the surroundings and the crime scene.

They both start to leave the crime scene.

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