Too late, my dear detective.

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Chuuya's body fell to the ground, lying bloodied and motionless. "I can see why you took an interest in the man." Fyodor spoke through the cameras of Meursault. "I mean, he was rambling on and on! Dazai this, Dazai that. He was so sure that you'd come and save him." His thick russian accent had a sadistic cheer to it. Dazai's teeth gritted, balling his fist as Fyodor's voice rang through the microphones and cameras in their prison.

Fyodor smiled, wiping the blood off of his face. "It was almost sad, you know. I couldn't help but pity the poor man! Oh how he cried." The grin painted on his lips revealed his poorly veiled lies. "He tried to fight back, even threw a knife at me when I called him the nickname you just love to address him by. What was it again? Chibi-chan?" Fyodor tilted his head with a faux curiosity and innocence.

The door slammed open, and Dazai stood there in the white uniform that meursault had made them wear, panting. He stared at Chuuya's lifeless body, gasping for air. "No... What did you do?" He asked, seeming almost soulless. Just as he'd been those pitiful seven years ago.

Seven years ago...

He'd met his reason for living then. And now, that reason lay dancing with death before his eyes.

"Such a shame that you're only here now. Why, you could've heard Chuuya's screams! Haha! How fun that would've been, Dazai-kun." He smiled with such malice that it almost made Dazai sick. His brow furrowed, and his crimson eyes grew with rage. Fyodor chuckled and lifted Chuuya's lifeless body up by his neck, beginning to examine his jawline and his lusterless irises. "Such striking blue eyes, much better looking when they were alive, no? Perhaps I should've plucked them out first. Hmm.. Well, lesson learned!" He shrugged, dropping Chuuya's broken and beaten body on the ground once more.

Fyodor approached Dazai, and grabbed his neck, choking him. He smiled and brought his face closer, "He really thought that you would save him to the very end, and that you'd come to his rescue. Good for him, you did! But now... tell me, Dazai Osamu. How does it feel to be too late, my dear detective?" Dazai shuddered, and pushed Fyodor away, growling. "You're fucking crazy." He hissed.

He rushed over to Chuuya's lifeless body, and hugged him close to his beating heart. He glared at Fyodor, who had a peaceful smile on his face, as though he'd done nothing wrong. Dazai truly hated how much the two could be alike at times.

Chuuya wasn't breathing. He wasn't fucking breathing, and it felt like everything was going wrong for the both of them. For Soukoku. "Why..?" Dazai murmured, squeezing Chuuya's limp shoulders.

"Why did we only ever spend those seven years fighting?"

"Why, Chibi-chan?" 

Too late, my dear detectiveWhere stories live. Discover now