Bouquet Bomb

391 13 3

In the soft glow of the morning light, Mina's room is a bustling scene, with clothes casually draped over her desk chair and stacks of paperwork strewn across the surface. There's a PC setup, the monitor, seemingly forgotten, illuminating the room with a soft glow. The atmosphere is a reflection of a busy life, where work and personal space intertwine in an organized chaos.

Her disheveled hair cascaded gently over her shoulders, a testament to the night's restless dreams. As she slowly opened her eyes, a yawn escaped her lips, and she stretched languidly beneath the cozy embrace of her disheveled sheets. With a half-conscious gaze, Mina noticed her shirt had taken on a rebellious streak overnight, revealing a hint of her collarbone as she sat up in bed. A subtle smirk played on her lips as she pondered the casual chaos of her morning appearance.

Resting against the headboard, Mina's mind drifted, "Oh God, I'm so tired of doing the exact same thing every day."

She swung her legs over the side of the bed, letting her feet meet the cool floor. Mina cast a glance at the towering pile of paperwork on her desk. The memory of a productive night flooded back; she had managed to clear the backlog in a single determined effort. Now, waking up to a morning with unexpected free time, Mina felt a sense of gratitude, silently thanking the universe for the rare luxury of a day off without looming tasks.

There are times Mina finds herself unable to escape the clutches of work. Her desk, cluttered with an array of papers, serves as a reminder that the demands of her job don't adhere to scheduled breaks. Duty calls, even on what's supposed to be a restful day.

As Mina gathered her thoughts, a small spark of anticipation flickered - a hope that today, perhaps, life would surprise her. The monotony of her routine had grown tiresome, and she wanted a break from the predictable cadence of life.

With a determined resolve, Mina stood up, the morning light casting a soft glow around her. Then she slipped into her favorite Saturday shirt - the slightly cropped one that hinted at a sliver of her tummy. It was her go-to outfit for days when she sought comfort and a dash of rebellion. With a touch of lip gloss to hydrate her chapped lips and a quick sweep of her fingers through her still-messy morning hair, she descended the stairs, the scent of their traditional breakfast greeting her like an old friend.

As she entered the kitchen, her dad sat at the table, engrossed in the morning paper. The aroma of pancakes and coffee wafted through the air as her mom skillfully navigated the stove. Mina couldn't help but smile at the familiarity of their weekend routine.

"Morning, Dad," she greeted, flashing a grin as she pulled out a chair and took a seat.

Her dad looked up from the newspaper, a curious gleam in his eyes. "Up early today, aren't we? What's got you so energized?"

Mina shrugged, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Just felt like doing something different today. Breaking the routine, you know?"

He chuckled, folding the newspaper and setting it aside. "A rebel in the making, huh? Well, I'm all for it. Change can be a good thing."

"Well, it's my off today and I unexpectedly finished all my backlogs so..." Mina shrugged.

Her mom, flipping a pancake with practiced ease, joined the conversation. "Good to know you're taking a break from work, Mina. You never know what exciting things could happen outside your usual routine."

Mina grinned, savoring the warmth of her mom's advice. "Maybe you're right, mom. I could use a little adventure."

Her dad, pouring syrup over a stack of pancakes, chimed in with a twinkle in his eye. "Speaking of adventure, your mom here thinks you should find a boyfriend. Says you're too focused on work."

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