Love at first sight

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third person pov:

It was just a few days since the Sakoku decree was established. all vision havers were to have their visions, and their ambitions confiscated. in the tenryo commission, things were a mess. Kujou Sara and Shikanoin Heizou were running after criminal after criminal to set things straight, it was no fun scene.

KS(Kujou Sara): Shikanoin! get over here!

H: yes madam Kujou?

KS: We have caught almost every criminal. there are a few left. I'm assigning you to catch one, his name is Kaedehara Kazuha, he's a wondering samurai. I want you to go get him. 

H: yes madam Kujou.

so he started his search immediately. going corner to corner finding clues, just to be left with nothing. he was going back to the tenryo commission headquarters, when a blond haired samurai with a red streak in their head walked past him.

H: K-kaedehara...

he whispered to himself.


K: H-huh? looks like I've been discovered.

He looked at him with a smile, completely ignoring the fact that he was being arrested. just one look into his eyes and that's when Heizou felt something in his chest, his heart was beating fast. did he just get a crush on a wanted criminal? (Kazuha is going to have a very venti like personality in this fan fic for some reason.)

H: Don't you dare look at me that way, you're a wanted criminal!

K: why? did I offend the great Shikanoin Heizou?~

H: uh, um... I... ugh. just get over here you're under arrest.

K: try to catch me...~

and he started running away. Heizou tried chasing after him, but he had no luck. Kazuha just had way too much stamina. so Heizou went back to the headquarters, disapointed.

KS: did you manage to capture him?

H: does it look like I did it?

KS: I know... just messing with you.

H: does it look like a good time to be doing that? but... don't you notice how he looks so innocent? maybe he has a reason for not giving his vision...

KS: looks aren't always the case...

H: true... never mind it.

weeks went by, and they couldn't catch Kaedehara. some rumors were spreading that maybe he fled Inazuma? but it didn't matter, since Heizou was stuck with another case, it a poet committing suicide. the only evidence in the scene was his last piece, made for his love who dumped him. quite a disappointment really...

(A.N: idk how to write poetry😭)

oh, the burning pain of watching you go.
the stars in teyvat let us be astray
the Unrequited, terrifying truth,
that when I talk to you,
the cupid walks right through,
and shoots an arrow through my heart,
I'm sorry, for ever loving you, Masako.

H: huh... so this poet of ours committed suicide cause of that? what are people turning into now days...

he got ready to investigate the case more, so he got his things and went to the docks, where this "Masako" worked. he hoped to find anyone that knew where she was, instead, he saw the blond boy with a red streak get off the docks with a large hat on, hoping not to be seen. but the detective was fast, he charged over and tackled the other to the ground, handcuffing him. 

Love at first sight | KAZUHEIWhere stories live. Discover now