Part 2 ~Secret Admirer~

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The letter read:

Hello my Rose, it seems you'd caught yourself in a bit of trouble tonight...

I hope my help satisfied you and that you are safe and sound in bed, I'm sorry if I scared you earlier this evening, the men are fine. They're in jail and won't be getting out any time soon.

Whenever you get scared or worried when out and about, don't worry... I'm always around the corner, I'll keep you safe no matter the consequences, and I promise you nothing will harm you while I'm here.

Sweet dreams!

-Secret Admirer~


"Secret admirer? I have a secret admirer... Wow..." She thought while reading the letter, who could possibly be crazy enough to want to admire a girl like her? She wondered while walking to her bed.

*The next morning*

Rose woke up, around 6AM stretching and getting out of bed. She made her bed and walked into her bathroom to get ready, she showered for a while, singing gentle songs while feeling hot water run down her body. After a while, she came out of the bathroom and got dressed, she put on a light layer of makeup and tied her hair into a bun with two strands hanging down on her cheeks.

She walked downstairs to her kitchen and began making breakfast, eggs, toast, bacon and a coffee.

She made her way to her couch to sit and eat while watching a crime series, she soon finished her breakfast, and walked over to the kitchen and began washing the dishes she used. She did a little bit of cleaning and left the house at around 6:30AM.

She was on her way to her day job, Rose worked as a journalist, she lived not to far from her company building so she was able to walk there. She enjoyed being early so she could finish whatever work she couldn't finish days before.

As she walked in, she walked over to her desk, looking over some files while looking to her computer, reading the presentation she was preparing the night before in her mind, looking for any errors she may have made the previous night.

It was around 7AM now, she sat back stretching quickly before typing away on her computer continuing on her presentation.

At 7:30, the rest of Rose's co-workers arrived looking rushed and tired, as they sat down at their desks.

Soon, the boss and CEO of the company walked in, everyone stood up to show their respect and to greet their superiors.

"Good morning Boss!" Everyone exclaimed as their boss passed by to his office. As soon as he was out of sight, everyone sat down and began working, while stressing again.

I heard my name being called, I looked up from my desk and looked over to the direction the voice was coming from. I soon realised a colleague was looking over, gesturing for me to come over to him. I got up and walked to his desk, he had a bright smile on his face, he was known as the happiness of the office due to his bright smile.

"Yes Felix?" I asked waiting to hear why he called me over.

Felix looked almost nervous, but he looked determined to say whatever he had on his mind. "Hey, uh I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go out with me sometime Rose, I've been wanting to ask for a while but I was always unsure of myself... So would you maybe think it over? You don't need to answer me right away" He said looking at me with a smile and hopeful eyes.

Hearing those words made me turn a bit red, I really wasn't expecting that.

"Oh- I- I'm not really the dating type Lix, but uh I'll think about it... Okay?" I didn't want to hurt him, but I was nervous and a bit shocked at the sudden request.

He seemed sad, but then came up with a way to make his proposal seem... Calmer.

"Okay, well we don't have to label it as a 'date' if you'd prefer it, I just wanna grab a coffee with you sometime."

I smiled at his attempt to make me more comfortable. "Maybe I should give him a chance" She thought as she looked at the hopeful boy. "Thank you, I think I'm free this weekend but I- I'll text you... What's your number?"

I asked, looking at him, reaching for my phone in my pocket. He seemed so sweet and looked even more happy that I wanted his number. "He truly is pure happiness." She said to herself looking at his joyful smile.

Felix put his number in your phone and gave you a smile before getting back to his work, you walked back to your desk and couldn't help but smile at what just happened.

Nine hours went by and it was 6:30PM and time to go home, you got up and took some files and put them in your bag along with some paperwork you had to go through.

(Rose's POV) As I got up, I looked over to Felix and gave him a quick smile, I keep thinking about him asking me out today... Now that I think about it he is kind of cute, his brown eyes and blonde hair... Whatever I can think about that later.

*End of POV*

Rose arrived at home and put her things down by the door, she took off her shoes and walked to the couch and sat there for a while, on her phone, tired. She soon got up and went to her room to shower. She spent 20 minutes in the shower and threw some PJs on after.

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