Chapter 10

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Tami sat in her office with Heather and the rest of her marketing team. They were discussing next month's itinerary for the Black Business Magazine interview. "So what time will the reporter arrive at the Young Palace Hotel?" Tami asked.

Heather smiled and picked up her IPad. "I've taken the liberty to email the entire itinerary to everyone. Stacy Black will arrive here at the office first around 9:30am. She will have her photographer with her for extra shots. They will interview Tami first and then she will interview Jason. Next she will visit the Young Brothers Sports Bar and Grill to interview Rob and get some pictures. She will then go upstairs and interview Karen in one of the penthouse apartments. She will then meet with Lee at Young Technologies. Finally, she will interview everyone together at The Young Palace Hotel around 7:00pm for dinner."

Tami smiled. "Thanks Heather. Is there anything else?"

Heather smiled back at Tami. "That's it."

"Then I guess we're done here. You guys go have lunch. Heather I need to speak with you privately."

Tami watched the marketing department employees all exit the office. Heather shut the office door behind them. "So Heather, what's going on with Lee?"

A look of fear covered Heathers face. "What do you mean?"

"I've tried calling him and he won't talk to me. He just keeps sending me texts saying he's fine and he'll call me later. I haven't talked to him in three days."

Heather took several deep breaths. She didn't want to put Tami in her love life but she also didn't want to upset her. "Tami. Lee and I are taking a small break..."

Tami sat forward on her seat. "Did you break my baby's heart?"

"No. If anyone is heartbroken it's me. He lied about something he shouldn't have lied about."

Tami was shocked. She had not known Lee to tell a lie since he was a freshman in high school. Lee was too straight forward to lie. She touched Heather on the shoulder. "Lee lie. I don't believe that. What happened?"

Heather didn't want to tell Jason and Karen's business but she knew Tami would not take no for an answer. Heather sighed. "Karen found condoms in her car and Jason told her they were Lee's..."

Tami was stunned by what Heather was revealing to her so she interrupted her quickly. "WHAT?"

Heather nodded her head up and down and continued what she was trying to say as her eyes began to get watery. "Jason told her they were Lee's. They then called Lee and he told Karen they were his. But I know this is a lie because he was with me the entire night Karen said he was hanging out with Jason."

Tami took her right hand and rubbed her face resting it on her chin. "Okay. So Lee was lying for Jason?"

Heathers face began to frown as tears started to streak down her face. "Yes. He was lying for Jason. If he'll lie to Karen to protect Jason from getting caught cheating then he'll lie to me and cheat on me as well."

Tami reached her arms out and wrapped them around Heather and hugged her tightly for a few minutes. Heather continued to cry. "It's alright Heather. Let it out." Tami told her while patting her on the back with her right hand.

Tami then broke the hug. "Sit down and let me tell you about Robert Young Sr. and how my three boys are all like him but different at the same time."

They sat down in the chairs around the small table in the corner of Tami's office. Tami took Heather by her hands. "Robert Young Sr. was my husband. Rob, Jason and Lee are his sons. They are all like him yet they are all different. Robert Sr. was a great husband until the day he died. No, I never suspected he had a woman on the side. I just thought he worked a lot. He was a good father to Jason and Lee. The man had his faults and he also had four strong traits. I see one of those traits in each one of my sons. He was a hard worker. He was very smart, almost brilliant. And he was a charming ladies man."

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