ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ¹⁰⁵ (edited)

Comenzar desde el principio

The room fell silent, saved for the sirens in the distance of the factory. Itto didn't even dare to breathe, his eyes shifting between the father and daughter. Y/n stared at The Overseer, waiting for his explanation.

Noticing her silence, D/n took it as an opportunity to try to get his part of the story across.

"I was working in the Tenryou Commission when they approached me. I agreed when they asked me to join because... Because I had nothing else. You and your mother were my everything... My own brother disowned me, despised everything I had sworn to defend in my line of work.

"Th-These people, they found out you came back from Mondstadt before I did. They used that against me. They made me do things for them, saying that if I did not, they would... They would kill you."

His voice cracked and he seemed to be fighting back tears. Shame and guilt were the only words she could use to describe her father's expression. Despite her rage for what he had done, she couldn't help but pity the man.

"They needed Kaito out of the picture for some grand scheme of theirs and... They tasked me to do it." D/n gestured to himself.
"I... I didn't want to, so I managed to supply him a Delusion I had personally altered that acted a little differently than the usual ones we made here."

He released a shuddering breath as his gaze fell to her feet.
     "It was specifically designed to work faster and painlessly. But the medication he took with his bronchitis..."

His brows furrowed and he kept staring at the floor. "Things escalated and I sent someone to check on him. I am not certain on what exactly happened but the informant reported that he was already dead when he got there.

"But I know from seeing the crime scene myself that he attacked Kaito. I assumed the higher ups asked him to deal with Kaito as my method was taking too long," He covered his face with his hands and his shoulders trembled with his breathing.

"They pressured me by giving me that omomori... Mikaboshi can create illusions for its users, allowing them to live through any fantasy they wanted–"
"One where you get to be with your family again."

The Overseer looked up at Itto in moderate surprise,
"How did you–"
"She spoke to me." Itto pointed at Y/n. "Uh, not this one, the younger one. She saved me from one of the nightmares that Mika-whoever put me in. It was kinda weird." Itto explained and Y/n nodded, "She spoke to me, too... Can this version of me traverse between dreams?"

This was news to D/n. He stared at his daughter, much older and more mature than he remembered. She looked so similar to her mother, he thought. She was a spitting image of M/n. "It would appear so..." D/n answered absentmindedly.

Y/n lowered her head, contemplating his words.
   'Hypothetically, let's say everything he said was true... Then this whole time, he was just trying to protect me... But does this excuse him for what he did before all that? What he had done to drive Mom and I back to Mondstadt?'

   "Y/n, Slime-ball, I don't expect you to forgive me..." Her father hung his head and shifted uncomfortably. The pain in his side flared suddenly.
   "They hung this "Dream World" in front of my face, making me do unspeakable things. All of which I've manipulated myself into thinking it was for you. If I really had your interest at heart, I wouldn't have allowed Kaito to die..."

He looked up at her with pleading eyes, "I am sorry. I am so, so sorry... I don't think I can do or say anything that will make you forgive me... and I don't deserve your forgiveness.
   "I have done terrible things. Willingly. I loved you and your mother dearly. I still do. When I first joined, I was promised that they would be able to save your mother from her illness... There was a chance I would be able to see you again..."

He paused for a moment, his brows furrowing in disgust for his own actions.
    "But I drove you and her away. And now she is..." He breathed out another shuddering breath.

He was unable to finish his sentence. He hadn't ever said it since her passing. He couldn't bring himself to do so. When he first heard of what happened, he fell into a depression. Then he threw himself into his work, giving into his old habits. He worked, and worked, and worked...
He didn't allow himself time to think about her or Y/n. He needed distraction after distraction to keep him from facing reality. So he used Mikaboshi to create a new "reality", one where he could be with his family.

"Dad..." He lifted his head. That was the first time she'd call him that in years. Her expression was sorrowful, vulnerable, hurt and a whole mess of other conflicted emotions.

Y/n had this urge to run over to her father and wrap her arms around him but restrained herself for the time being.
   "I–" she was interrupted when part of the contraption behind them exploded. The three turned to see a pipe had burst and the purple liquid sprayed out of it.

They backed away when another pipe bursted and the inside was bubbling a dangerous amount, turning effervescent. D/n examined the console from a distance and noticed that while they were battling, a few switches were pushed while others were destroyed completely.

"We have to move." D/n spoke as he looked up at the unstable machinery. "If we stay here, there is no telling what will happen."

He took a deep breath and stepped towards his daughter, "Y/n. The factory is set to destroy itself and this whole place is bound to go with it. Even if you choose to never speak to me again, I would only ask that you allow me to help you two in escaping... Allow me to help my little girl one last time..." D/n pleaded and limped a little towards her.

Y/n stared at him for a moment, before nodding. "Alright. Lead the way, Dad." She placed a hand on Itto's shoulder to stabilize herself, suddenly feeling a little lightheaded.
   "You okay there, Shortie?" His amber and crimson eyes scanned hers in worry. "I'm fine. Let's get moving." She reassured before following her father's lead.

The three rushed out of the room and down the hallway Y/n had walked down before. "This way." D/n was sure in his steps as he jogged ahead of the two though Y/n could tell he was still injured after their fight.

His one hand was glued to his side where she had attacked earlier. A flash of guilt crossed Y/n's features but she pushed it aside for now.

Itto grabbed Y/n's hand to help maneuver through the domain. He hurried to catch up to D/n and walked beside him.
   "Hey, so, I don't think I've properly introduced myself – I'm Arataki Itto, leader of the Arataki Gang and TCG champion." He held his free hand out towards the older male who glanced at it with disinterest and didn't return the gesture. Itto subtly retracted his hand and pretended he meant to drag his hand through his hair, "No handshakes, got it..." He muttered before clearing his throat.

"So, D/n–"
"Mister L/n?"
If looks could kill, D/n would have murdered Itto twice. He sent the part-oni a glare that made his blood run cold.

"Stop talking." He spoke neither rudely nor with malice, almost as if he were stating it. "O-kay." Itto slowed in his steps to walk a little behind with her in hand. "You think that went well?" He whispered hopefully towards Y/n who deadpanned. "I've never seen my dad hate somebody so quickly."
"Oh... new record!"

However, the trio didn't get far when D/n stopped. Itto was about to ask what the hold up was when he spotted the shadowy figure ahead of them.

It was Mikaboshi.


𝕃𝕖𝕥'𝕤 𝕊𝕖𝕒 (FINALE)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora