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Soooooooo... I've managed to work past the first part of the mod, which is regarding the character interactions and voice acting for the first quest. It took a while, especially since I had to redo it like ten times. It made this whole thing turn from fun to infuriating. Now that I have the inner workings figured out, I can start working on the questing in earnest.

Besides this, Russet as a follower is still on the table. My beloved friend Lady_Ataraxia has been urging me on and judging some of my finished content, including books containing my stories. I may or may not include the books in the finished product, but if I do, keep in mind that they will behave like normal books, meaning you will have to start over if you close the book. They will be separated into one book per chapter to make it easier on both you AND me.

Thanks for your help and support, as always!

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