06/24/23: Voices

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I've made an unfortunate discovery. My AI program can imitate almost every voice in the game, all but those with the strongest accents. That means that Delvin's voice cannot be cloned. I have two options here. I can either leave Delvin's voice the way it is and ignore the changes in MEc I've made (despite the importance of his role), or I can try my best and go with the voice the AI forces me to use. It's similar to Delvin's, but doesn't have the strong accent he sports. While I'm still mulling over this, I've got more voice acting to record. I hope this all goes as planned.

I haven't completed any more quests since yesterday. My speed has slowed a bit thanks to some life stuff going on, but it should pick back up soon.

See ya soon, my dears! <3

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