She released one chuckle.

"Thought you had a date today."

'I do.'

"Oh. Well then why are you-"

She mirrored my expression more exaggeratedly and I almost laughed until the thought of those damned boots popped up again.

She wasn't joking anymore.

"What happened?"

She looked more concerned and it took me off guard a little. I hadn't seen that look on her really since the party, though that one was more urgent. However, this one was gentle and even soothing in its own way.

I gave her a small smile to reassure her that it was nothing serious and she nodded slightly when I looked down at my shoes and then back at her.

"Oh, because of your boots?"


She gaped down at my boots again, her eyebrows scrunching up together, revealing that she was actually thinking intently about my situation and trying to find ways she could fix it. Usually if this were to have happened, lets say a year ago, she would have laughed and thrown some insults at me before laughing even more, but no. She wanted to help me out and it was odd yet looked nice seeing her be so open about this kind gesture. Then again maybe she's always had this side of her, but just has chosen to hide it for some reason.

"I would give you a pair of mine in a heartbeat but-"

I cocked an eyebrow at her and she looked back up at me, her expression now a little sad.

"The black pair I have, well the right heel broke the other day when I was at Tony's place and the other two-"

She got sadder and I noticed how she swallowed hard, her pale hands forming into loose fists.

"Um I had let Ruby and Renee borrow them before um-"

She couldn't finish the statement, but the conversation from that one day at the mall with those two played out in my mind and I understood slightly.

I made a 'mhmm' sound and she nodded before shrugging.

"Sorry." She really sounded like she was.

I shrugged too.

'Not your fault.'

She looked down at the shoes again briefly before smiling back up at me, it wasn't a big smile, but a small one, one that was enough.

Silent Laughter (Louis Tomlinson Fan-Fic) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now