Chapter 10

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Yellowjacket laid on his ornate throne, his black scales shimmering in the dim light of the palace. Blood trickled down his neck, evidence of the vicious attack he had just endured from his treacherous ex-queen, Jewel. His usually composed expression was marred by a deep frown of pain and betrayal. As he tried to regain his composure, the heavy doors to the palace swung open, announcing the arrival of Malachite. She gracefully entered the hall and bowed respectfully before the wounded king. "Are you alright, Your Majesty?" she asked, concern evident in her voice as she surveyed the scene before her. Yellowjacket managed a weak nod, acknowledging her presence. "I will survive," he replied, his voice strained. "But my trust in those I once held dear has been shattered." Yellowjacket said softly as he felt more blood flowing down his neck. Malachite's eyes softened with sympathy as she approached the throne. "Your Majesty, please allow me to assist you in the healing process," she offered. "I have extensive knowledge of herbal remedies and the healing arts. Perhaps I can offer some solace for your wounds?" Malachite asked. Yellowjacket regarded Malachite for a moment, uncertainty briefly flickering across his face. After a moment's consideration, he extended a talon towards her. "Very well, Malachite. Your assistance would be appreciated." He said then closed his eyes. As Yellowjacket opened his eyes again Malachite was working Grateful for the opportunity to serve her new king, Malachite bowed again and quickly made her way to the side of the throne. She skillfully patched up Yellowjacket's wounds, her touch gentle yet purposeful. As she worked, the king observed her, finding comfort in her stability and loyalty. Once the immediate danger had passed, Yellowjacket broached a delicate subject. "Malachite, would you be interested in taking on a new role in the palace?" he asked tentatively. "That of the Lady of the Palace, perhaps, overseeing the day-to-day affairs and ensuring that my kingdom continues to prosper?" Yellowjacket asked. Malachite paused her work, surprise evident in her eyes. She looked up at the king, grateful for the trust he was placing in her. "It would be an honor, Your Majesty," she replied, her voice filled with gratitude. "I shall strive to serve you and your kingdom to the best of my abilities." Malachite said. Yellowjacket nodded, a sense of relief washing over him. "Very well. I entrust you with the responsibility of the Lady of the Palace. May you bring order and prosperity to Peace's Haven." He replied softly. With a second bow, Malachite expressed her gratitude once more before she departed from the palace. She made her way to the top of the mountain, where a small makeshift palace awaited her. From there, she would oversee the daily affairs of the kingdom and uphold the ideals of peace and harmony that Yellowjacket held dear. As the days went by, Peace's Haven flourished under the steady leadership of Malachite and Yellowjacket. The kingdom thrived, its citizens finding solace and tranquility once more. Meanwhile, Yellowjacket found solace in Malachite's unwavering loyalty and quiet strength, a balm for the wounds left by Jewel's treachery. The story of Yellowjacket and his Lady of the Palace, Malachite, became a legend told throughout the kingdom. It served as a reminder that even in the face of betrayal, true allies can emerge, bringing peace and prosperity back to a troubled land.

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