Chapter 15

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Shade all of a sudden disappeared into thin air leaving QuickSilver trapped in the library "SHADE!!!" QuickSilver yelled but she didn't answer him QuickSilver shook his head and put the scroll he picked up back where he'd found it as he wanted to leave he bumped his snout into the barrier that Shade had put there. QuickSilver's heart pounded as he realized Shade had trapped him inside a room. Panic set in as he frantically searched for an escape route. He could feel Shade's eyes on him, her dark scales blending into the shadows as she watched his every move. "What is this?!" QuickSilver shouted, his voice echoing off the walls. "Shade, why are you doing this to me?" He asked. But Shade remained silent, an unsettling grin stretching across her snout. The flickering lights intensified, casting eerie shadows that danced on the walls, as though mocking QuickSilver's plight.  QuickSilver's mind raced with possibilities. Why would Shade betray him? They had been friends for a split second. She had never shown any signs of such malice before. But at that moment, it was hard to deny the truth staring him in the face. As he paced back and forth, his thoughts were interrupted by a voice echoing through the room. It was Shade, her voice somehow amplified as it filled the space. "QuickSilver, my dear friend, I'm afraid our time together has come to an end." Shade whispered into his ear. Confusion swirled within QuickSilver's mind. What had he done to deserve this? The room grew colder, the air thick with tension. QuickSilver's instincts told him he needed to find a way out, and fast. He noticed a small crack in the corner of the room, a sliver of light peeking through. With renewed hope, QuickSilver rushed towards it, only to realize that it was just an illusion. Shade had manipulated his senses, taunting him with false hope. "You won't escape that easily," Shade whispered from the shadows. Her voice was hauntingly calm, a stark contrast to the turmoil within QuickSilver's mind. Taking a deep breath, QuickSilver tried to steady himself. He couldn't let fear consume him; he needed to think clearly. He examined every inch of the room, searching for a way to dismantle Shade's barrier. And then he saw it—a small orb, glowing faintly on a pedestal in a far corner. It seemed out of place, but QuickSilver knew it held the answers he needed. With determination fueling his movements, he approached the orb. As he touched it, a surge of energy coursed through QuickSilver's body, illuminating his scales. He felt the barrier weaken, giving him a chance at escape. He pushed against it with all his might, and gradually, the invisible wall began to crumble. With one final burst of strength, QuickSilver shattered the barrier, freeing himself from Shade's trap. As he stepped out into the open, he saw Shade watching him with a mix of surprise and admiration in her eyes. "I didn't think you'd be able to break free," Shade admitted, her voice tinged with something resembling regret. QuickSilver's chest heaved as he stared at his once-friend. The trust between them had been shattered, but the memories of their companionship still lingered. "Why?" he asked, his voice laced with sadness. "Why did you do this, Shade? Was our friendship not enough?" QuickSilver asked. Silence went on for a long while "I'm a NightWing and your a SeaWing I can't be seen with you if we would take our friendship further than that it is!!" He yelled finally a flock of birds flew away as QuickSilver spat out those words. Shade looked away, her dark scales shimmering in the dim light. "It's not that simple, QuickSilver. There are things... things I cannot explain. Perhaps one day, when this darkness inside me subsides, I will find the courage to tell you." Shade said as she looked at QuickSilver she saw a frown on his face. With those cryptic words, Shade disappeared into the shadows, leaving QuickSilver alone with his thoughts. He couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and madness. Although he was free now, the bond they had once shared had been forever tarnished. As QuickSilver ventured out into the world, he carried the weight of their shattered friendship with him, forever wondering what had driven Shade to such drastic measures. But deep down, he knew that the answers may never come, and he had to find his own path forward, guided only by the lessons he had learned from the darkness that had tried to consume both their lives.

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