Because that was the first time she had almost forgotten about her grief and was a little kid again.

The morning sun cast a warm embrace over the beach house, its rays gently caressing the world awake. Katherine sat in the backyard, her gaze fixed on the tranquil sea, lost in the rhythm of the waves. Today, it was her turn – her turn to be on the canvas, the vessel of Susannah's creativity.

Last night had been a revelation, a stark reminder of life's fragility. Conrad's words had hung heavy in the air, revealing Susannah's battle with cancer. Katherine had felt a mix of shock, sadness, and a fierce determination to keep up the appearance of normalcy, to not let Susannah see the weight of the truth in her eyes.

As Susannah prepared her paint palette and brushes, Katherine took a deep breath, forcing a smile to her lips as the older woman approached her with a warm embrace.

"Ready for this, my love?" Susannah's voice held a hint of playfulness, a reminder of their shared moments of laughter.

Katherine nodded, trying to mask the turmoil in her heart. "Absolutely. I'm excited to see what masterpiece you'll create this time."

With each delicate brushstroke, Susannah painted a canvas of colors and emotions. Katherine let the cool strokes of paint embrace her skin, a familiar sensation that whispered of shared secrets and unspoken understandings. The world outside faded as they wove their own cocoon of connection.

"You've grown, Katherine," Susannah observed softly, her brushstrokes a lullaby of memories.

Katherine looked into Susannah's eyes, a mixture of gratitude and unspoken words. "And yet, there's so much more to discover."

The conversation shifted, the words flowing as naturally as the paint on the canvas. Katherine found herself opening up about her recent struggles, about her somewhat of a breakup with Sebastian. Susannah listened with the patience of a second mother, offering words of wisdom and comfort.

"I knew something was bothering you," Susannah said gently, her eyes searching Katherine's.

Katherine's heart skipped a beat, but she managed to keep her composure. "I guess I'm not as good at hiding things as I thought."

Susannah's hand paused for a moment before resuming its delicate work. "You know, my dear, sometimes the heart reveals what the mind tries to keep hidden. It's okay to let people in."

As Susannah continued her work, Katherine's thoughts wandered. The cruel irony of life struck her – Susannah, a woman so full of light and kindness, burdened by illness. Her admiration for Susannah surged, a surge of love and gratitude that caught her off guard.

"You're more than just... Susannah to me," Katherine murmured, her voice breaking through the silence. "After my mom died, I never thought I would ever feel loved that way again but you and Aunt Laurel have been everything I could have asked for."

Susannah's eyes brimmed with unshed tears, her smile carrying a lifetime of love. "And you, my dear, are like the daughter I've always wanted."

They resumed their dance of art and conversation, the bond between them deepening with every stroke. The sun climbed higher, casting a golden glow over their sanctuary by the sea. A single glance, a shared moment, spoke of the depth of their connection.

"You're my family, Susannah. More than I ever thought possible," Katherine whispered, her voice raw with emotion.

Susannah's hand paused, a tear slipping down her cheek. "And you, my dear, are the daughter of my heart."

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